Yes the greeting was in English and not in Swiss. Why? Switzerland does not have an official language or ethnicity! The next time you meet someone who claims they are Swiss, take a look, because you would be surprised at the melting pot of culture and ethnicity that the country has!
If you hadn't picked up on the subject yet, our next world tour stop is to SWITZERLAND. landlocked between Germany to the north, Austria to it's east, France to the west, and Italy to the south, Switzerland is (as mentioned above) a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities! And Switzerland must be doing something right: it's two major cities, Zürich and Geneva, have been ranked as the cities with the second and third highest quality of life in the world!
Politically speaking, Switzerland has three main branches of government just like the United States, and has a Federal Constitution as it's legal foundation. The current president of the Swiss Confederation is a MRS. Doris Leuthard. A Female president! KUDOS GIRL!
I know there are many, MANY more interesting facts about Switzerland, but as for now, I head to bed to adjust to Switzerland's time zone. Tomorrow we will start our day with local and cultural facts about the highly exciting "myths vs. facts" of the Swiss Confederation!
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