Many cope with stress in different ways: exercising, eating, playing video games.....eating couch cushions...
click here to watch the TLC "My Strange Addiction" segment of Adele's problem
A Bradenton, Floridian native, 30 year old Adele has been compulsively munching on sofa cushions for the past 20 years. As of today, she has successfully consumed 7 couches and 2 chairs,
"even going so far as to prepare snack-sized servings of couch cushions," states Joe Peacock from AOL Online News.
Adele is featured on TLC's "My Strange Addiction" which features many Americans and their, well, strange addictions. However Adele's, according to psychologist Jason Mihalko, is a lot more detailed than most; most notably based off a medical condition termed "Pica".
"Pica is characterized by an individual having a desire to eat nonfood substances," Mihalko told AOL News.
"It's most often seen in young children and women. There are cases of pica where people eat metal, dirt, feces, chalk, writing utensils and tree sap," he said.
But what is the cause of this strange psychological disorder? Well no on knows. Many have suggested that some from of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder could play a role in the development of craving to consume non-food substances, however not enough research has been done to verify this hypothesis.
As for Adele, she stated that she started her couch consumption at the age of 10; the same year her parents divorced, leading to speculation about her addition to be just a psychological mishap.
"Some people with OCD get relief from enormous amounts of stress when they engage in whatever their particular behavior is, whether it be checking locks, washing hands or other obsessive behavior, while some experience enormous stress in engaging in these behaviors." Mihalko states.
But whatever the cause may be, expect to be sitting on the floor when you visit her house.
First off, and I think most reading this would have this same question, but, how does her body digest the couch foam? And how has it done so for
20 years??!?! In all honesty I have had pieces of couch cushion in my mouth before (come on we've all jumped into those foam pits at gymnastics class before....) and quite honestly, the taste is distasteful, the feel is awkward, and just consuming it would feel wrong to me. However i do respect that this is
indeed a psychological occurrence and that I do find it interesting and respect Adele's privacy and ways. But really....... with all those couch cushions out of the way, I'm sure she can find those pennies that fell through the cushions last week.....