Just in time for the holiday of love, stop by your local candy store to pick up your special someone hearts to spill out your undefying love. Okay wait, pick up A heart. A anatomically accurate, 2.5 pound, candy blood oozing, heart.
From the makers of the world known Jelly Belly's comes this newest rendition of candy hearts. Able to ooze blood in 11 different places (or everywhere granted you just slice it in half.......), this newest creation will be stocked on the shelves alongside of, "...foot with a gangrenous toe, candy urine and a plateful of candy barf," as AOL News reporter Deconinck stated earlier this week.
Ahhhhh love.....
Click here to read more about these delictably scientific treats
So sooooooooo many punns", "I love you. And to show you, here is my heart.", "Take my heart, and keep it forever.", "LOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!! IT OOZES BLOOD FROM THE SUPERIOR VENA CAVA AT THE ANATOMICALLY CORRECT RATIO THAT THE LEFT VENTRICAL WOULD BE PULSING AT SWEETIE!!! " Okay yeah that last one I can see myself doing in the future if my cardiologist husband (well we can all dream, can't we?) were to have brought that home. Frankly, to the non-sicence nerds out there, this might be a bit too much, but I would LOVE to receive one of these on Febuary 14th.
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