A Canadian based manufacturing company strategically named "BottomsUp" and started by founder Rick Mucha, has run their successful padded underwear line for men and women under the motto "Building a Better Bottom" for about 10 years. The Company develops various kinds of shape-enhancing garments for both men and women, but focus their attention more on the male derriere.
Mucha has told AOL Online News that he has been selling padded boxer-briefs for the past 10 years; and that the male market for them is expanding.
"The underwear have built-in pockets in the butt area designed to hold special BottomsUp butt pads, which come in three gradually expanding sizes: 'Quarterback,' 'Halfback' and 'Fullback'. The garments, which are priced at $39.99 per pair, also boast a pouch in the crotch area in case men want to slip a separate pad in the front for added girth," states Monica Garske of AOL News.
"First-time customers usually go with the 'Quarterback' size, just to give it a try. Once they get comfortable and are satisfied with the product, they gradually go up in size to 'Halfback' and 'Fullback.' The padding looks really natural. It's an easy, inexpensive way for guys to be able to fill out their jeans better," Mucha said.
And what's more, all the design that went into this is anatomically accurate, as theses were based off of real idealistic butts. Mucha's team of researchers scoped out the best looking butts (well someone had to do it.....), took the owners of these desired rear-ends in for molding, and designed on from there.
Each set of underwear creates a defined image of a butt due to the middle seam separating the two pads, removing the awkward design of just having one expanded butt cheek.
However from the start, Mucha claims that he did not design these pads for aesthetic purposes, but for the relief of those who wore his padded undergarments. In 2001 Mucha designed his first pair of BottomUp undergarments to help a friend of his suffering from muscle deteration due to contracting HIV/AIDS. When it became excruciatingly uncomfortable for him to sit, his good friend Mucha came up with the design for the padded underwear.
Soon after this initial idea, many frequent fliers were known to have purchased these butt cushions in order to add some support to their effort some derrieres for long flights.
With all this focus on men, many have asked about Mucha's products for women. As Garske states again in this story, "...he also offers a line of padded panties for women but, let's face it, we gals have plenty of butt-enhancing products out there to choose from," leaving the men in Mucha's focus.
"I like big butts and I cannot lie..............."
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