Saturday, February 26, 2011


In leiu of finals week, starting and finishing my portfolio, studying, catching up with a few reading notebook entries, studying, helping with my brother's birthday party, babysitting, studying, and quartet rehersal; i have decided to fall away from my usual blog theme of crazy current events and just take these last two blog posts to express my emotions regarding how i feel and/or cope with tackling the start of my profolio and the finished product sunday night around 11:48.

At the moment, I have last term's reading notebook entry sprawled out in front of me. Looking through the waves of rainbow post-its and commentary that i marked, I am begining to think that the high 72/70 I got lat term miiiiiiiiiiight not be as achievalble this term given i have less time to work on it (perhaps not the roughly 10 trillion hours i used last time....). However, I also went through and read my introduction and thought it almost odd, how that I stayed very close to specific guidelines and didn't really let my voice as a writer shine.

In reading other people's introductions and writing/reading commentaries, I could see more of their sarcastic and humerous side, where as mine was strictly professional. As I leave Blogger, progress to opeinging my bookmarked Pandora webpage and ensue typing, I bid all thee good luck in you quest of finishing your portfolio.  

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