Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Approaches!: A Poem

As Halloween approaches
teachers deck out in broaches,
of pumpkins, ghosts, and pesky cockroaches.
But what do I do? I jump out with glee,
as Halloween is a splendid time for me!
Filled with creepy songs and frightening sights,
Halloween is my favorite of nights.
No average ghost or vampire for me,
my costume ideas fill me with glee!
Medusa, eggs, zombie nerd;
all past appearances, while trick-or-treating in a herd.
But what of this year you ask?
Am I do don a cloak, a mask?
Princess slippers with jewels, or a cat's tail with whiskers?
Well, whichever will get me more Snickers.

And the candy selections? Please at all costs;
no pretzels, apples, or Dots.
Halloween is idolized as a night of enjoyed CANDY and sweets,
not an evening of fruits and low-cal beets.
So when you are candy shopping the night before,
PLEASE. Buy stuff that will want to makes kids go to your door.

Halloween on a Sunday night?!
Oh no, what a fright!
What about school the next day,
do we stay out all night and play?
Or head in early for the night with out any complaining?
I'm thinking so, in order for smooth sailing.
Halloween is supposed to be a night of fun!
lots of candy and costumes and bottles of rum!
Okay so not rum, but you get the picture,
Halloween will be a blast!
Minus getting up early the next day for class.... 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oven-baked Tans and Bleach-blonde Hair? I Don't Think So

*In order to preserve the anonymity of this blog(s), i will refrain from relating my own personal attributes to it, just for the sake of keeping the identity of ninjasurfer a close secret. Thank you for your cooperation :)      

There are many different definitions of the term "beauty".

 "The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)," courtesy of Dictionary.comor, "The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit," via Miriam-Webster Online . Both of these definitions are analytically correct, which is the reason why i think the world has taken too literally.

Beauty doesn't just come from appearance, which is what i think most people perceive it out to be; it is so much more. Beauty should be natural, a trait unique to you and only you; something that you have that no one else in the world possesses; that in itself is simply beautiful. Natural Beauty is when you are able to recognize the assets that make you, you, and being confidentially able to show it off to the world. You know when you have achieved true Natural Beauty when you are able to accept who you are as a person, imperfections and all, and still love living life and those who embrace your diversity. 

But does natural beauty come from going tanning twice a week? Wearing only the "cool" and expensive brands? Does it come from applying so much make-up, you look like a perfect porcelain doll? Or from freaking. styling. your. hair. every. single. day. ? IT might help you look beautiful, but it's not beauty. It's not the real you. It's not the unique you. 

walking the halls of Kennedy suit as a REPUGNANCE to me. Most girls i see are decked out in super tight, revealing clothes; loaded with powdery faces and artificially straight/curly hair, or look like they just popped out of the oven at 350 degrees with the "Gingerbread Man". 

Now I'm not trying to hate, honest. If you think that is who you are and it makes you feel beautiful, then go for it; be my guest. 

Just answer me this: if every other girl is doing the same thing, how will YOU stand out? How will your own style and God-given beauty shine? Don't you want the world to see how you truly are? Why are you changing yourself? If people don't accept your appearance or just you as a person, then that's their loss. 

Don't be someone you're not. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

ALL-STATE AUDITIONS = being struck by a massive rubber mallet while prancing on a cloud

In exactly 15 days, i will take part in the biggest audition of the year. The all-state music festival audition. Millions (okay maybe hundreds...) of high schoolers across the state of Iowa audition to be a part of the extremely elite and highly competitive symphony orchestra and choir. This year will be my third year auditioning; but hopefully not my third year of..........consecutively not making it in.

As most music programs/ professions/ gatherings/ activities/ stuff goes, some form of an audition to make a group or to get in is required. I can see that as being a reasonable form of entry: naturally whoever will be hiring and paying you big sacks of moulah would want to make sure that they are making the right choice. Even if you weren't getting paid, any conductor or director would want to make sure that you sound at least moderately decent.

That is only pro to auditions: it is in the conductor's interest to hear you. That's pretty much it. Of course besides the fact that your chances of making it into all-state are much, much higher if you audition, it's besides the point.

 The cons, however, greatly outnumber the benefits of auditioning.

1) who in there right MIND can show "natural talent" by playing their 3-octave scales with their sixteenth note equal to 88 beats per minute? WHO?????????? Bring me forth, my good people, one individual, one single soul, that can express his true musicianship through the dreadful playing of these horrid inventions! ONE PERSON! THE SCALES PROVE NOTHING!!!!!!! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (copyright: Inglorious Bastards) Well, maybe perhaps that you can play something super sonic fast and wipe out, but, that's about it.

2) Okay there is a borderline between fun challenging music and hard challenging music. This year for all-state (at least for the violas), the always challenging music isn't so much hard, as it is fun to play! Which is good. But, the excerpts from those fun-challenging pieces aren't exactly the most musical, per se. I mean honestly, when the brass are belting out the counter-melody behind you as you have a run of unrealistically, speed-of-light sixteenth notes (i am NOT exaggerating one bit. you can justify my writings with any orchestra member auditioning....) which no one, not even yourself can hear play, stand in as one of your excerpts, it seems quite pointless -unless you are prepared to pop a sting or set your bow on fire from the sheer force of pressure and friction to play over the brass- to use that specific section as a "test" of your ability. Granted, yes, the music is hard, but if no one will hear it, WHO. CARES.

3) A 1-1:30 minute solo is also another required part of your audition. This is one of the more reasonable portions of your a degree. Once you finally learn to make your piece sing and flow like it was finally a part of you; finally feel like you achieved something great, and awesome; once you've done everything in your musical ability to have the song magically float off the page and dance in front you in in sheer splendidness: you hear someone else's solo. That right there folks, is like prancing on a cloud... until you are suddenly struck with a massive, whopping rubber mallet that sends you plummeting to the earth as it squashes you flat on the cold hard (and often jagged) ground. No lie. Just the titles of other people's solos sound so much more exotic and fancier; that it makes you feel so insignificant.

(I hear someone in the viola practice room playing before the audition)
me: WOAH (insert name of Linn-mar violist here....)! That was super amazing!
Linn-mar violist: eh. Thanks little insignificant Kennedy violist.
Linn-mar violist: *sigh....* Bach's eighth concerto in F flat minor Opus number 168 in B, second movement. (as he/she flips his/her hair and looks up and away from you)   
me: oh.
Linn-mar violist: although i don't really care but have nothing else to do, ill ask you. What solo are you attempting to play?
me: ..............the first Gavotte in Suzuki book 3.

Okay so that actually does not happen, and i promise you altough the Linn-mar violists are wickedly amazing, i have tons of respect for them....Cept when they beat me out for auditions, but, not the point I'm trying to make. See how intimidating it sounds when just what your playing sounds like so....much? It's like a competition in it's own to "see who can pick the solo that has the longest title!" WOOT! ....not.

And for the record as of now:
~All my scales are at metronome 80 decently
~ All my excerpts are where they need to be and maybe even then some
~ My solo (which is actually the Courante from Bach's G major suite) is good. Improving in the next two weeks, yes, but very very very very good.

Will i ready for this audition? Oh heck yes. Will i make it in? ehm...perhaps if a few of the Linn-mar violists "mysteriously happened" to have their viola's spontaneously burst into flame.... :)

(kidding, kidding)  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homecoming Dance: Part 2

So as previously discussed, homecoming week was....debatably alright. DEBATABLY. As for the dance? I remember like it was yesterday...

It all started maybe 3 weeks before the homecoming dance. I had a glorious vision (and as it turned out, apparently too demanding of one) in my mind about how my junior year homecoming dance was going to be. My friends and i would go out to dinner as a group, head to the dance, and perhaps if we were lucky enough -to attend an after party later that evening.

Now before i continue, I'm sure everyone have had their run-ins with the infamous MURPHY'S LAW. You know, the one about if anything bad/unexpected could happen, it probably will? Yep. That fell right in line with my homecoming fantasy. One friend was going to be "conveniently" out of town, the other didn't want to go if they didn't have a date, the other already had a date, the other just flat out said N.O., and the other said eh.....i don't want to intrude on you and your date. So will all this in play, it just ended up being me and my date. AND THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT IT WAS A MOST GLORIOUS EVENING AND WE HAD A BLAST AND A MOST WONDERFUL TIME AND I ADORED FINALLY SPENDING TIME WITH THEM AFTER OUR EXTREMELY HECTICS SCHEDULE KEEP US OCCUPIED. SO YEAH. DON'T HATE. Anywho, i began to think as i was getting dressed for my night out about the reasons my Friends gave me. Okay, going out of town is acceptable i a point. But not wanting to go because you don't have a date or because you just didn't want to or you didn't want to go with someone as friends just doesn't equate up to a rational notion to me.

1) It's a high school tradition! YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN! well okay next year, but then would you even go if this same situation reoccurs?
3) Okay so no one asked you. Big deal. go in a group with friends! It is less awkward to bust a move with your friends that it is to with your date. (although this one doesn't apply to me....i bust a move even when I'm not at a dance)
4) what is the big deal with over-dramatizing the idea of a "dance"? It is one big stinking social gathering. Granted, yes, people are practically engaging in certain unethical procedures, but minus that (unless that's your thing...) dances are just a place for friends to all sweat together in their nice fancy clothes dancing around like wild chimpanzees for four hours. Who wouldn't love that!?
5) Okay no but for real you're just going with your friends to a fun party with lots and lots of people. why would you miss an opportunity to do that? you don't have an "official date"? you don't want to dress up? you're going to feel awkward there? WELL SUCK IT UP. Have some school spirit for crying out loud! I mean we could use as much as we can get considering how pathetic our spirit week was....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vacation from Vacations

Traveling all the time is a very exhilarating experience! But at the same time, extremely tiring (it's hard to keep track of the time when you constantly jump time zones and sleep half the days at your destination...TRUST me...) and capable of bringing on a strong case of homesickness. In continuation of this thought, i have decided to periodically take a break from my travels and keep my current thoughts down on my blog instead. An "Vacation from Vacations" diary, if you will. With this in mind, i will be taking a vacation away from my vacations...perhaps a very long extended vacation from my daily vacations. And if that confused you at all, don't worry, you're not alone...

Recently, it was our school's homecoming week.

In all honesty, the spirit days had about the same equivalence of creativity as a a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: NONE. Okay i get "green and gold" day, but "tye-dye day"? "crayon day"? and seriously... "NEON DAY"? Who in their right mind would own a pair of bright neon-green pants?? They were all pretty much "WEAR YOUR HIDEOUSLY COLORED SHIRT DAY! YAY US!"

no. please. just stop right there. You show me 100 guys that own a legitimate tye-dyed shirt and would actually remember to wear it on the corresponding day. What's that? You can't?
....such a shame.

So yes, the spirit week lacked CREATIVE spirit. But what about the football game??

The minute you walked in Kingston stadium and saw the opposing school's student section, you wondered why they were even there at all. Like in all honesty, why did they even have a student section? There were maybe 40 people. Okay, I'll be generous and give them 42 so they won't look as minuscule... But man, would i be intimidated if i was sitting on their side overlooking the rousing balloon-wielding, green and gold wearing, s** toy doll tossing student section that was (insert name of my school here) High!! And, it didn't hurt that our band rocked as usual, and our cheerleaders and dance team were spectacular! Oh, and also our footballers who actually played the game.....hehehe.

Okay so (lack of) Spirit week? Check. Creaming the opposing team at our homecoming football game? Check. All that's left? THE DANCE.

Okay so this is an interesting subject for me because this past homecoming dance was quite an interesting one....

Alrightie so this situation involves Friends A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. I would go into depth about it, but i feel as though that would be invading their private lives, which they would not be too happy with me about, so i guess i will have to leave it at that...But in general, i noticed that the trend of "well he/she is not going, so I'm not going" or "well i wont have a date so, why bother?" or "no sorry, i can't go with you guys because i do have a date" or "yeaaaaaah. I conviently won't be in-town so, nope." or "well ninjasurfer, if it is just you and your date, so, i wouldn't want to be the third wheel (which i gladly accepted)" or "no. I don't want to go. It's stupid." was very high this year. Okay, i guess those are all respectable answers, expect for maybe the last one. Or so i thought..........

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Amazonian Rainforet

The Amazon Rainforest is a region that stretches across the widest part of the South American continent. It engulfs 1.7 billion acres of land, or 7 million square kilometers. Of the 1.7 billion acres, 1.4 billion (or 5.5 million square kilometers) is covered by dense, tropical forests. The massive rainforest stretches across 9 nations: French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. The last two holding 13% and 60% of the land, respectively.

Scientists believe that the Amazon Rainforest was formed about 56 to 34 million years ago during the first real "tropical" temperature fluctuation in the Amazon basin. Ever since then, the growth of a huge bio diverse land was forever created. It is estimated that 1 in 10 known species in the world take residence in the vast rainforest. Therefore this cconstitutes the largest collection of animal species and living plants the world has ever seen, and probably will ever know. Wet tropical forests are the source of the most species-rich biomes in the world; and with the Amazon being the largest tropical forest in the world, a plethora of unparalleled diverse species are found here, more than in African and Asian forests.

-The plant diversity in the Amazon rainforest is unbeatable. It has the highest diversity of greenery found anywhere in the world. Some scientists explain that one square kilometer could possibly contain over a thousand types of plants and tens of thousands of different tree species.
-According to a 2001 study, Ecuadorian rainforest supports more than 1,100 tree species per 1 quarter square kilometer  

Animals and Wildlife:
-Over 2,000 mammal and bird species
-2.5 million insect species
-As of modern times, at least: 378 reptiles, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians, 1,294 birds, 3,000 fish, and 40,000 plant species have been successfully, scientifically classified in the Amazonian region. 
-One in five of all the birds on the planet nest in the many rainforests of the Amazon
-Between 96,660 and 128,843 invertebrate species have been estimated to reside in Brazil alone

Hazardous Creatures and Elements:
-Includes the Anaconda, Cougar, Jaguar, and Black Caimin as the top most threatening animals of the Amazon
-Swimming in the rivers include Electric Eels and Piranhas that pose threats
-Rabies spreading Vampire bats
-Hundreds of different Poison dart frogs
-Potentially able to contract Yellow Fever, Malaria, or Dengue Fever

Although there are some frightening aspects of the Forests as listed above, there are still many many reasons for conserving it. Deforestation has drastically reduced the size of the majestic forest. At the current rate of deforestation, the Amazon will be reduced to 40% of it's current size in 20 years, endangering a boat load of living species. Today, 91% of the deforested land since 1970 has been used for cattle and other livestock pastures. The main reasons for this is because Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans (the United States is the first) and in accordance to their live-stock need, sufficient room for agriculture is necessary. Also, with the first two highways opened in the rainforest, an obvious increase in deforestation as well as settlement became evident in the past 10 years. A computer animation encompassing future climate change as a result of greenhouse gases show that the Amazon rainforest could become unstable under increased temperature and severely reduced rainfall, leading to a vast loss of rainforest cover by 2100 in the South American basin

Because Amazonian forests have been estimated to intake 0.62 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare per year (between 1975 and 1996), many conservation groups have stepped in to help the unparalleled natural wonder from total deforestation. The Amazon Conservation Team , The World Wildlife Foundation  , The APECA , and many other organizational groups are heading the natural conservation of the Amazon Rain forest.

Museu da Língua Portuguesa

Click here here for the informational website of the Portuguese language Museum

The Museum of the Portuguese language in San Palo, Brazil is one of the only language museums in the world. It is rumored that the museum would have been built in San Palo, Brazil because San Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world with over 20 million citizens. To make an efficient impact, the Secretary of Culture in Brazil decided to locate the museum in the Estacao de Luz train station, one used by hundreds of thousands of foreigners daily. The original idea for the Museum was thought up by Ralph Appelbaum -also the creator of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, New York and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. Once inside the museum, there are many interactive exhibits, movies, and artifacts that depict the history and evolution of the Portuguese language in Brazil: from the Treaty of Tordesillas issued on June 7th, 1494 to modern day colloquial terms used in everyday life.

The opening ceremony of the museum was on March 20, 2006 and hosted by Grammy award-winning singer Gilberto Gil and the Brazilian Minister of Culture. In the words of Gilberto: "The language speaks for you. The purpose of studying and interacting with a language in a museum, cultural and exchange programs, orthographic agreements, and the development of new words show how important it is. The language is our mother. This museum covers most, if not all, the aspects of the written and spoken language, of the dynamic language, the language of interaction, the language of affection, the language of gestures and of any other aspects that this museum was meant to promote."

This museum is a very unique cultural attraction for Brazil. No where else in the world is there a museum educating it's civilians about the history of their language, which is something very special. It would be interesting the see if the United States would open a museum of the American Language. That way tourists to the country would be cleared of any stereotypes of the American Language.       

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Viva Brazil!

Greetings loved ones! Let's take a journey! BRAZIL!!

The Federative Republic of Brazil is the next stop on our tour around the world! As we fly towards the South American continent -and if there were bright neon border lines around the country- you'd be able to see the largest country on the South American continent (and 5th largest in the world), Brazil. Brazil is bordered by the Atlantic ocean (or southern ocean) to the East, and all other South American countries excluding Ecuador and Chile.

On June 7th, 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was issued to divide up the new unclaimed lands in South America between Spain and Portugal. Because of the boundary line the treaty issued, Portugal received the region that would become Brazil, enforcing their official language, Portuguese, onto the natives. This is why the official language of Brazil is Portuguese, and spoken no where else in South America.

Since Brazil is such a large country, it's climate varies just like here in the United States. 25% of  the country, in the south, is generally cooler than the tropical northern regions. The large amount of warm tropical weather allows for Brazil's many rain forests to flourish, including the world's largest, the Amazon.

Join me next time as we indulge in our South American adventures in Brazil!