Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Approaches!: A Poem

As Halloween approaches
teachers deck out in broaches,
of pumpkins, ghosts, and pesky cockroaches.
But what do I do? I jump out with glee,
as Halloween is a splendid time for me!
Filled with creepy songs and frightening sights,
Halloween is my favorite of nights.
No average ghost or vampire for me,
my costume ideas fill me with glee!
Medusa, eggs, zombie nerd;
all past appearances, while trick-or-treating in a herd.
But what of this year you ask?
Am I do don a cloak, a mask?
Princess slippers with jewels, or a cat's tail with whiskers?
Well, whichever will get me more Snickers.

And the candy selections? Please at all costs;
no pretzels, apples, or Dots.
Halloween is idolized as a night of enjoyed CANDY and sweets,
not an evening of fruits and low-cal beets.
So when you are candy shopping the night before,
PLEASE. Buy stuff that will want to makes kids go to your door.

Halloween on a Sunday night?!
Oh no, what a fright!
What about school the next day,
do we stay out all night and play?
Or head in early for the night with out any complaining?
I'm thinking so, in order for smooth sailing.
Halloween is supposed to be a night of fun!
lots of candy and costumes and bottles of rum!
Okay so not rum, but you get the picture,
Halloween will be a blast!
Minus getting up early the next day for class.... 

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