The Sun: Now (supposedly) owned by a woman in Spain.
See anything wrong with this claim? According to 49 year old Salvaterra do Mino native, Angeles Duran, no. A local resident in Spain, Duran has issued a claim to the 4.5 billion year old ball of gas through the Agence France-Presse reports. But she's not the only one who's tried the lay claim to other celestial bodies. Being influenced by Dennis Hope's claim to owning the Moon in 1980, Duran states that
"I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law. I did it, but anyone else could have done it -- it simply occurred to me first."
And her exact claim? She states that she is:
…owner of the Sun, a star of spectral type G2, located in the centre of the solar system, located at an average distance from Earth of about 149,600,000 kilometres.But with International Space Laws in effect, namely the United Nations Outer Space Treaty issued in 1967, how did Angeles loop her way around to actually (claim to) gain possession of our solar system's most prominent and important feature? Well according to the President of the Netherlands-based International Institute of Space Law, Tanja Masson-Zwaan, you can't.
"They [people like Duran and Hope] argue that the Outer Space Treaty only binds states because it is an intergovernmental treaty -- an agreement between states -- and therefore, individuals can do what they want," she said. "This is not true. A citizen is given its rights as a citizen by the state and should live by the laws of that state, and cannot do things that the state is not allowed to do."
So as this inter-celestial battle unfolds in Western Europe, we can just sit back, relax, and blame Duran for the annoying sun burns you'll be getting this upcoming summer.
Before I begin let me just Seriously? OWNING the sun? Yes i agree that it is in fact a tremendous ego-booster to have -makes for great stories at the office party- however is superfluous. The Sun is the one "magical spectacle" that allows for life on Earth. That burrito you're gorging right now Duran? Yeah, made with everything that has been in some way or form, impacted by the Sun. You can't really own something that every living thing on earth needs and uses. It's just not right, and a tad tacky. You know that thing you learned in Kindergarten? What was it....ohhhh, sharing? I believe that maybe the basic principles of "sharing" could be applied here.
But on the other hand, it is extremely cool to say that "I" own the sun. Lets say it together now, "I OWN THE SUN." Do you feel that powerful surge of awesomness flowing through you as you chant that to your walking neighbors as they look at you funny from your front porch? I own the Sun. Priceless. Well, in theory, probably not, as Duran had to pay to issue her claim with the Agence France-Presse reports. But that being besides the point, what a great -yet tacky- way to show off.
Step aside Helios, there's a new sun God in town.
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