Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jesus Sighted in Australian Pub


2.1 billion Christians around the world today would have called this poor paint job a wonderful blessing.

The front door of the Seanchai Irish Tavern in Australia bears the image of what appears to be the Lord, Jesus Christ. A pub's regular pointed out the "miracle" to owner John Keohane -a devout Irish Catholic. Ever since then, an influx of visitors have given the pub new business.

"I would like to think it was because we are an Irish pub and maybe, just maybe, he [Jesus] heard about the divine pints of Guinness!" Keohane told AOL News.

Aside from curious tourists popping in for a peak and a drink, very many under aged citizens have become intrigued in what some people say is a "sign" from the Lord.

"We have even had school groups and Australian bus tours coming to have a look and take photos," Keohane said.

And as for the stripping paint? No intention of repairing it seems imminent in the near future, according to Keohane. As of now, Jesus is covered up with a sheet of Perspex to keep the image from further deteriation.

"We had somebody (a local Australian Parish) ask us what steps we were taking to preserve it until it got checked out properly," Keohane said.

All in all, not exactally the best place for an image of Jesus...


Toast, a Cheeto, a Kit-Kat bar, a household iron, a rotting banana, a telephone pole, and on Mars. The long list of places where Jesus has been sighted. And now added to the list? On the door into an Irish Pub. On the door into the pub. hahahahahahahahaa ooooooh boy, the irony. But still, a very cool find i must say. Yes the hype over the Jesus sightings are a tad overworked, but I must say, they make for a fun "mystical" sightseeing adventure.

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