On a more serious note for this blog post, news has surfaced that world renouned British Petrolum had a "boo-boo" 19 months before their devistating Mexico gulf oil spill. How do we know? Wiki-Leaks.
In waters off the cost of tiny Azerbaijan, BP's oil rig in the Caspian Sea underwent a similar catastrophic explosion and blow up of the oil pipes. The culprit? A faulty cememt job: the same cause of the Deepwater Horizon incident last April.
But why hadn't we heard about this story sooner? Why did no one speak out about this incident eariler?
"Unless you were on the inside you didn't know how serious it was," says Edward Chow, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "The cables (information), first published in London's Guardian, demonstrate the sharp contrast between the saturation coverage of the Gulf blowout, and the Azerbaijan leak that was barely covered in the local press."
And in even further speculation,"[If you look at the larger picture], BP has had safety problems for more than five years now," Chow says. "It has been well documented, even before the Azerbaijan news."
But it is here when we address how the Caspian Sea blowout even surfaced in the first place. Julian Assange, the world's newest wanted "felon" released earlier this week BP's older, and covered up, incident. Had this information not surfaced, would this change the minds and hearts of those affected by the Gulf oil spill? If this incident was made public sooner, perhaps the Deepwater Horizon catastrophy would never have surfaced? So many questions unanswered...
As TIME Magizine online puts it, not much focus went into how this information was released, rather, what the informantion contained. But shouldn't we be focusing more on how it was made known to the world?
Wiki-Leaks has been the center of major international concern the past few months, all circling around the fact that the information this site has been posting could be used against many dominating countries and world leaders. Another BP oil spill disaster is importat to learn about, however we should be more concerned about how this information came to be more than anything else.
Yet another example of new technology and their catostrophic downfalls.
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