On a more serious note for this blog post, news has surfaced that world renouned British Petrolum had a "boo-boo" 19 months before their devistating Mexico gulf oil spill. How do we know? Wiki-Leaks.
In waters off the cost of tiny Azerbaijan, BP's oil rig in the Caspian Sea underwent a similar catastrophic explosion and blow up of the oil pipes. The culprit? A faulty cememt job: the same cause of the Deepwater Horizon incident last April.
But why hadn't we heard about this story sooner? Why did no one speak out about this incident eariler?
"Unless you were on the inside you didn't know how serious it was," says Edward Chow, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "The cables (information), first published in London's Guardian, demonstrate the sharp contrast between the saturation coverage of the Gulf blowout, and the Azerbaijan leak that was barely covered in the local press."
And in even further speculation,"[If you look at the larger picture], BP has had safety problems for more than five years now," Chow says. "It has been well documented, even before the Azerbaijan news."
But it is here when we address how the Caspian Sea blowout even surfaced in the first place. Julian Assange, the world's newest wanted "felon" released earlier this week BP's older, and covered up, incident. Had this information not surfaced, would this change the minds and hearts of those affected by the Gulf oil spill? If this incident was made public sooner, perhaps the Deepwater Horizon catastrophy would never have surfaced? So many questions unanswered...
As TIME Magizine online puts it, not much focus went into how this information was released, rather, what the informantion contained. But shouldn't we be focusing more on how it was made known to the world?
Wiki-Leaks has been the center of major international concern the past few months, all circling around the fact that the information this site has been posting could be used against many dominating countries and world leaders. Another BP oil spill disaster is importat to learn about, however we should be more concerned about how this information came to be more than anything else.
Yet another example of new technology and their catostrophic downfalls.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
MY Current Events- LA, California Part 1
This week i'm going to be taking a quick break from all the excitment the world has to offer and narrowing it down to what LA and San Diego bring to the table.
I left to go to the Des Moines International Airport for their 6 A.M. flight to Denver, Colordao in hopes of making it to LA, California last saturday. Now for those of you who have flown with me, namely an sswimming indian and a curly-haired runner, you know that me + planes = MOTION SICKNESS. So as I was distracted in preparing for the worst and praying that my plane wouldn't crash or that I would get pulled over by the TSA fro being Middle Eastern, I didn't take my motion sickness pills. gasp.
So as the capitan announces that we will be having a smooth and fast one hour and 30 min flight,i begin to think, "phew. this won't be so bad! My medicine....s***." Of course I didn't take it. So as the plane prepares to acend -the WORST part of flights in general, hands down- I begin thinking happy thoughts and start humming Bruno Mars's Grenade in hopes of keeping me distracted.
Low and behold, I woke up an hour into the flight, wondering where I was, what had happened, and why I wasn't covered in puke. I DIDN'T GET SICK!!!! I DIDN'T GET SICK WITHOUT TAKING MEDICINE!!!! oh wow was i surprised.
The same occurance occured on my second flight from denver to LAX, and boy was it a blissful two hour flight :)
I left to go to the Des Moines International Airport for their 6 A.M. flight to Denver, Colordao in hopes of making it to LA, California last saturday. Now for those of you who have flown with me, namely an sswimming indian and a curly-haired runner, you know that me + planes = MOTION SICKNESS. So as I was distracted in preparing for the worst and praying that my plane wouldn't crash or that I would get pulled over by the TSA fro being Middle Eastern, I didn't take my motion sickness pills. gasp.
So as the capitan announces that we will be having a smooth and fast one hour and 30 min flight,i begin to think, "phew. this won't be so bad! My medicine....s***." Of course I didn't take it. So as the plane prepares to acend -the WORST part of flights in general, hands down- I begin thinking happy thoughts and start humming Bruno Mars's Grenade in hopes of keeping me distracted.
Low and behold, I woke up an hour into the flight, wondering where I was, what had happened, and why I wasn't covered in puke. I DIDN'T GET SICK!!!! I DIDN'T GET SICK WITHOUT TAKING MEDICINE!!!! oh wow was i surprised.
The same occurance occured on my second flight from denver to LAX, and boy was it a blissful two hour flight :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Putin Shows Off Golden Pipes for Charity
In Soviet Russia, song sings you.
Vladimir Putin. The name sends shivers down spines. Mental images of a cloaked Russian vampire fill the heads of millions world wide. Vladimir Putin. VLADIMIR PUTIN.....singing?
At a recent fundraiser event in St. Petersburg, Russia for children's cancer research, Russia's current prime minister and former president threw caution to the wind and took up the chance to become a real Miley Cyrus for the day. The classic tune "Blueberry Hill" was belted out beautifully by the world renounced Russian leader, first while playing the piano, then going solo at the mic.
Before performing, Putin stated that, "Like the majority of people I cannot sing nor dance, but still love doing it."
And truly, the video has to be seen to be understood... but it just goes to show that anything is possible when you are in Russia.
Much applause has gone out to Putin for singing on national television for a great cause, and has opened many eyes around the world to the multi-talented man behind the Russian Empire.
Vladimir Putin. The name sends shivers down spines. Mental images of a cloaked Russian vampire fill the heads of millions world wide. Vladimir Putin. VLADIMIR PUTIN.....singing?
At a recent fundraiser event in St. Petersburg, Russia for children's cancer research, Russia's current prime minister and former president threw caution to the wind and took up the chance to become a real Miley Cyrus for the day. The classic tune "Blueberry Hill" was belted out beautifully by the world renounced Russian leader, first while playing the piano, then going solo at the mic.
Before performing, Putin stated that, "Like the majority of people I cannot sing nor dance, but still love doing it."
And truly, the video has to be seen to be understood... but it just goes to show that anything is possible when you are in Russia.
Much applause has gone out to Putin for singing on national television for a great cause, and has opened many eyes around the world to the multi-talented man behind the Russian Empire.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Jesus Sighted in Australian Pub
2.1 billion Christians around the world today would have called this poor paint job a wonderful blessing.
The front door of the Seanchai Irish Tavern in Australia bears the image of what appears to be the Lord, Jesus Christ. A pub's regular pointed out the "miracle" to owner John Keohane -a devout Irish Catholic. Ever since then, an influx of visitors have given the pub new business.
"I would like to think it was because we are an Irish pub and maybe, just maybe, he [Jesus] heard about the divine pints of Guinness!" Keohane told AOL News.
Aside from curious tourists popping in for a peak and a drink, very many under aged citizens have become intrigued in what some people say is a "sign" from the Lord.
"We have even had school groups and Australian bus tours coming to have a look and take photos," Keohane said.
And as for the stripping paint? No intention of repairing it seems imminent in the near future, according to Keohane. As of now, Jesus is covered up with a sheet of Perspex to keep the image from further deteriation.
"We had somebody (a local Australian Parish) ask us what steps we were taking to preserve it until it got checked out properly," Keohane said.
All in all, not exactally the best place for an image of Jesus...
Toast, a Cheeto, a Kit-Kat bar, a household iron, a rotting banana, a telephone pole, and on Mars. The long list of places where Jesus has been sighted. And now added to the list? On the door into an Irish Pub. On the door into the pub. hahahahahahahahaa ooooooh boy, the irony. But still, a very cool find i must say. Yes the hype over the Jesus sightings are a tad overworked, but I must say, they make for a fun "mystical" sightseeing adventure.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Protesters of Berlin Strip Naked due to High Cost of Rents
Residents of Berlin, be warned!
"Protesters in Germany have been scheduling viewings of apartments they consider overpriced, then stripping naked for impromptu dance parties."
"Protesters in Germany have been scheduling viewings of apartments they consider overpriced, then stripping naked for impromptu dance parties."
Protesters against high living costs in Berlin have decided to demonstrate their anger by requesting to view high-end apartment structures, then striping stark naked and holding a dance party inside. People participating in the "strip protest" claim to be members of the "Hedonist International." (a group with which I could find no major information about other than a website and a blog which had the words "DO WHAT YOU WANT" posted as their title...)
"What we're doing is not a crime," one of the organizers told The Local. "These are public viewings, and we are not entering the apartments by force."
But this isn't the first time the Hedonist International has danced around in their birthday suits for a cause. a similar event took place September 26th of this year. Members say that
"Berliners don't have a lot of purchasing power -- some people have to pay so much rent that they can no longer afford clothes."
Hence, the naked-ness. But what of the dance parties?
"Although the apartment passed our party test, we were pissed about the rent of 11.50 euros per square meter -- that's excluding utilities and heating costs," the group has stated."Trying to find someone stupid enough to pay that price borders on illicit profiteering."
And their claims are right. In past years, the average price of an average home in Berlin was relatively cheap, compared to those in London, Paris, and New York. However, the Hedonists and their official Nudist Offensive Action Committee (Aktionskomitee Nudistische Offensive)say prices in formerly affordable neighborhoods are beginning to soar.
Even though the nude protesters make a big impact socially, politically they are not respected by the real estate industry, which finds the group a nuisance and juvenile.
All in all, i just hope it's warm in those apartments....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Woman Bites off Husband's Tongue
Think making-out with your significant other is is blissful and eccentric? THINK AGAIN.
Unless you are like the slightly confued fellow ("No Brian, that is NOT your wife....") shown up above, your risk of having your tongue bitten out of your mouth is close to 0.000000000001% However, if you were the unlucky 79 year old male resident of Sheboygan, Wisconsion who was married to a slightly insane 57 year-old, chances are, you lost half your tongue.
Authorities stated today that
"The bitten piece of the husband's tongue was recovered, and [that] he was taken to a hospital following the incident late on Monday.The woman, 57, told emergency workers she had 'bit her husband's tongue off (with blood on her clothing)."
When aithorities discovered the tongue snacher, she was supposedly "singing Christmas carols and blowing a New Year's horn" when the police did arrest her. She is now being held pending formal charges from Wisconsion's formal Disctict Attorney on the count of Felony Mayhem.
The victim stated (in a written statement I'm assuming....) that while he was kissing her, she bit off more than half of his tongue. Prior to the incidnet she was also acting up, suggesting to authorities that this might have been pre-mediated assult.
Wife got your tongue? *nods*
Kissing as defined by Dictionary.com , states that to kiss is "to touch or press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc." NOWHERE IN THAT DEFINITION DOES IT SAY TO "NOW PROCEED WITH BITING OFF HALF OF YOUR HUSBANDS TONGUE." Yuck. could you just imagine that dead piece of muscle just chilling in your mouth? It would be all floppy and lifeless and just swishing around until you spat it out.
Now unless that is how your make-out sessions usually go (my deepest condolences), then why would you possibly want to bit out our husband's tongue? All the oozing blood would just increase your chances of retracting HIV/AIDS or other blood to blood diseases.....or possibly just staining your shirt for that matter. What's that you say? You were mad at him?? He wasn't listening to you? Didn't want to sit through another one of your emotional breakdonw conversations??? Well for goodness sake don't mutilate the one organ in his body that will allow for him to expalin himself to you!! Yeesh people, let's think before we act here!
Something that i found peculiar with this article aside from the incredibly creepy and unfortunate story were the ages of the couple. 57 and 79? 32 seems like a big gap....but whatever floats your boat! Also, the fact that the lady was singing Christmas carols and dancing around with noise makers when the police found her tripped up a wire in my brain leading me to think that she might have been, oh.... i don't know..mentally not quite there?
Well folks, love comes in many different forms and sizes.......however biting off your significant other's tongue? NOT advised.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Policed Called on Kid's Cupcake Sale
Cupcakes for sale?!!?! YOUR GOING TO JAIL.

Less than a month ago, 13 year-olds Kevin Graff and his friend Andrew DeMarchis' usual bake sale in a Chappaqua, New York park had an unexpected customer: local police.
New Castle Councilman Michael Wolfensohn had called the said police upon the boy's bake sale on the counts of them not possessing an official permit to sell goods to local residents. Kevin's mother stated that both are "good kids" and that the police call terrified them.
DeMarchis and Graff have not set up shop since the incident occured.
Local interviews with the New Castle Councilman provide statements that say that Wolfensohn admits he was a bit "extreme" on the boys, however that he still holds firm that "rules are rules."
Okay. This one is a FAIL. Seriously? Calling the FEDERAL AUTHORITIES on two kids selling brownies? SERIOUSLY?.........sigh. What has our great nation come to. Yes coming from a political figure i can understand how everything would and should be done by the book and how yes, rules are rules. But honestly. ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? Calling the cops on two kids offering rice-krispies to locals at a park. Please tell me one thing WRONG with that statement. No wait, tell me one thing RIGHT. You say that is an easy task? WELL OF COURSE IT IS BECAUSE THIS IS A VERY NATURAL OCCURRENCE! For goodness sake two young boys are just getting involved in their community, selling cupcakes and goodies. I know if i was at a park with my friends or family that i would be a generous citizen, approach the (well) strategically located bake sale stand, and proceed to purchase a cookie for a very minimal payment.
Now see Mr. Wolfensohn (or anyone else) Is that such a threat to society? Were there any lives lost or in dangered in this horrid epidemic? No. I think not.
Less than a month ago, 13 year-olds Kevin Graff and his friend Andrew DeMarchis' usual bake sale in a Chappaqua, New York park had an unexpected customer: local police.
New Castle Councilman Michael Wolfensohn had called the said police upon the boy's bake sale on the counts of them not possessing an official permit to sell goods to local residents. Kevin's mother stated that both are "good kids" and that the police call terrified them.
DeMarchis and Graff have not set up shop since the incident occured.
Local interviews with the New Castle Councilman provide statements that say that Wolfensohn admits he was a bit "extreme" on the boys, however that he still holds firm that "rules are rules."
Okay. This one is a FAIL. Seriously? Calling the FEDERAL AUTHORITIES on two kids selling brownies? SERIOUSLY?.........sigh. What has our great nation come to. Yes coming from a political figure i can understand how everything would and should be done by the book and how yes, rules are rules. But honestly. ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? Calling the cops on two kids offering rice-krispies to locals at a park. Please tell me one thing WRONG with that statement. No wait, tell me one thing RIGHT. You say that is an easy task? WELL OF COURSE IT IS BECAUSE THIS IS A VERY NATURAL OCCURRENCE! For goodness sake two young boys are just getting involved in their community, selling cupcakes and goodies. I know if i was at a park with my friends or family that i would be a generous citizen, approach the (well) strategically located bake sale stand, and proceed to purchase a cookie for a very minimal payment.
Now see Mr. Wolfensohn (or anyone else) Is that such a threat to society? Were there any lives lost or in dangered in this horrid epidemic? No. I think not.
British Knit Sweaters for Needy Chickens
Click here to see another take on this sweater idea
In the midst of all the economic downturn in the United Kingdom, Great Britain prevails in their battle against: cold chickens.

UK – Dozens of bald chickens recently rescued from a factory farm with battery cages are wearing hand-knit sweaters – or jumpers – until their feathers grow back. Their cozy and fashionable winter attire is thanks to a group of local knitters, who sound like, if we may say, great chicks themselves. – Global Animal
In Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, a small group of knitters have been transfixing mini "jumpers" (British talk for sweaters) for featherless hens that have been rescued from British Chicken farms in their town. The group's founder, Amy Leader, says that
"In the winter, the hens need a little bit of helping keeping warm, and that's what the chicken jumpers are for."
The group has been working since June on these little warm creations, and has dished out a little over 100 new chicken jumpers for needy hens. Because of the harsh living conditions in a poultry factory, most hens shed or lose their feathers. As they try to re-grow their feathers again, some just need a little extra help staying warm.
After being asked by a customer at her shop if she had any outfitted sweaters for chickens to be used by a local charity, Leader became inspired and started asking her customers for volunteer knitters to help the cause. Now adays, Leader and her "chicks" (including one lone male volunteer) donate all the sweaters, each made in about 2.5 hours, to a humane society which then distributes the warm jumpers to families that have adopted the saved chickens.
"What's really lovely about a chicken jacket is it doesn't have to be perfect, because -- come on -- it's for a chicken," Leader tells AOL Online.
As of this last Wednesday, Leader is enthusiastic about crafting red and green Holiday themed jumpers for the hens to don as the season of Christmas comes closer.
Let me just start by saying how hard it was for me to not burst into random fits of laughter as i progressed through the various articles pertaining to this story. Okay since I've been holding it in, I'll let it out now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Alright, done.
I'm not intentionally dissing the knitters in any way! I truly do thank them for there concern with the well-being of their country's chickens and their openness to accept many different animal rights movements. And besides, it is for a good cause! I know if i was just rescued from a human-like poultry farm that i would want a sweater to keep me warm had all my clothes been taken away. But besides the point, this article brought to my attention the extreme generosity that many average day people undergo, everyday. It helps to shine a light on how people find the little things in life more worthwhile than others; in this particular case, how knitting sweaters with a group of friends for an animal rights cause can really make a difference in today's society. With horrid economic conditions and finical melt downs, it is always heartening to hear/read/see/look/watch a sincerely good deed being done.
In the midst of all the economic downturn in the United Kingdom, Great Britain prevails in their battle against: cold chickens.
UK – Dozens of bald chickens recently rescued from a factory farm with battery cages are wearing hand-knit sweaters – or jumpers – until their feathers grow back. Their cozy and fashionable winter attire is thanks to a group of local knitters, who sound like, if we may say, great chicks themselves. – Global Animal
In Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, a small group of knitters have been transfixing mini "jumpers" (British talk for sweaters) for featherless hens that have been rescued from British Chicken farms in their town. The group's founder, Amy Leader, says that
"In the winter, the hens need a little bit of helping keeping warm, and that's what the chicken jumpers are for."
The group has been working since June on these little warm creations, and has dished out a little over 100 new chicken jumpers for needy hens. Because of the harsh living conditions in a poultry factory, most hens shed or lose their feathers. As they try to re-grow their feathers again, some just need a little extra help staying warm.
After being asked by a customer at her shop if she had any outfitted sweaters for chickens to be used by a local charity, Leader became inspired and started asking her customers for volunteer knitters to help the cause. Now adays, Leader and her "chicks" (including one lone male volunteer) donate all the sweaters, each made in about 2.5 hours, to a humane society which then distributes the warm jumpers to families that have adopted the saved chickens.
"What's really lovely about a chicken jacket is it doesn't have to be perfect, because -- come on -- it's for a chicken," Leader tells AOL Online.
As of this last Wednesday, Leader is enthusiastic about crafting red and green Holiday themed jumpers for the hens to don as the season of Christmas comes closer.
Let me just start by saying how hard it was for me to not burst into random fits of laughter as i progressed through the various articles pertaining to this story. Okay since I've been holding it in, I'll let it out now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Alright, done.
I'm not intentionally dissing the knitters in any way! I truly do thank them for there concern with the well-being of their country's chickens and their openness to accept many different animal rights movements. And besides, it is for a good cause! I know if i was just rescued from a human-like poultry farm that i would want a sweater to keep me warm had all my clothes been taken away. But besides the point, this article brought to my attention the extreme generosity that many average day people undergo, everyday. It helps to shine a light on how people find the little things in life more worthwhile than others; in this particular case, how knitting sweaters with a group of friends for an animal rights cause can really make a difference in today's society. With horrid economic conditions and finical melt downs, it is always heartening to hear/read/see/look/watch a sincerely good deed being done.
Spanish Woman Claims to Own the Sun
The Sun: A massive fiery ball of heat that have kept creatures and living organisms alive for zillions of years.
The Sun: Now (supposedly) owned by a woman in Spain.

See anything wrong with this claim? According to 49 year old Salvaterra do Mino native, Angeles Duran, no. A local resident in Spain, Duran has issued a claim to the 4.5 billion year old ball of gas through the Agence France-Presse reports. But she's not the only one who's tried the lay claim to other celestial bodies. Being influenced by Dennis Hope's claim to owning the Moon in 1980, Duran states that
"I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law. I did it, but anyone else could have done it -- it simply occurred to me first."
And her exact claim? She states that she is:
"They [people like Duran and Hope] argue that the Outer Space Treaty only binds states because it is an intergovernmental treaty -- an agreement between states -- and therefore, individuals can do what they want," she said. "This is not true. A citizen is given its rights as a citizen by the state and should live by the laws of that state, and cannot do things that the state is not allowed to do."
So as this inter-celestial battle unfolds in Western Europe, we can just sit back, relax, and blame Duran for the annoying sun burns you'll be getting this upcoming summer.
Before I begin let me just say......wow. Seriously? OWNING the sun? Yes i agree that it is in fact a tremendous ego-booster to have -makes for great stories at the office party- however is superfluous. The Sun is the one "magical spectacle" that allows for life on Earth. That burrito you're gorging right now Duran? Yeah, made with everything that has been in some way or form, impacted by the Sun. You can't really own something that every living thing on earth needs and uses. It's just not right, and a tad tacky. You know that thing you learned in Kindergarten? What was it....ohhhh, sharing? I believe that maybe the basic principles of "sharing" could be applied here.
But on the other hand, it is extremely cool to say that "I" own the sun. Lets say it together now, "I OWN THE SUN." Do you feel that powerful surge of awesomness flowing through you as you chant that to your walking neighbors as they look at you funny from your front porch? I own the Sun. Priceless. Well, in theory, probably not, as Duran had to pay to issue her claim with the Agence France-Presse reports. But that being besides the point, what a great -yet tacky- way to show off.
Step aside Helios, there's a new sun God in town.
The Sun: Now (supposedly) owned by a woman in Spain.
See anything wrong with this claim? According to 49 year old Salvaterra do Mino native, Angeles Duran, no. A local resident in Spain, Duran has issued a claim to the 4.5 billion year old ball of gas through the Agence France-Presse reports. But she's not the only one who's tried the lay claim to other celestial bodies. Being influenced by Dennis Hope's claim to owning the Moon in 1980, Duran states that
"I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law. I did it, but anyone else could have done it -- it simply occurred to me first."
And her exact claim? She states that she is:
…owner of the Sun, a star of spectral type G2, located in the centre of the solar system, located at an average distance from Earth of about 149,600,000 kilometres.But with International Space Laws in effect, namely the United Nations Outer Space Treaty issued in 1967, how did Angeles loop her way around to actually (claim to) gain possession of our solar system's most prominent and important feature? Well according to the President of the Netherlands-based International Institute of Space Law, Tanja Masson-Zwaan, you can't.
"They [people like Duran and Hope] argue that the Outer Space Treaty only binds states because it is an intergovernmental treaty -- an agreement between states -- and therefore, individuals can do what they want," she said. "This is not true. A citizen is given its rights as a citizen by the state and should live by the laws of that state, and cannot do things that the state is not allowed to do."
So as this inter-celestial battle unfolds in Western Europe, we can just sit back, relax, and blame Duran for the annoying sun burns you'll be getting this upcoming summer.
Before I begin let me just say......wow. Seriously? OWNING the sun? Yes i agree that it is in fact a tremendous ego-booster to have -makes for great stories at the office party- however is superfluous. The Sun is the one "magical spectacle" that allows for life on Earth. That burrito you're gorging right now Duran? Yeah, made with everything that has been in some way or form, impacted by the Sun. You can't really own something that every living thing on earth needs and uses. It's just not right, and a tad tacky. You know that thing you learned in Kindergarten? What was it....ohhhh, sharing? I believe that maybe the basic principles of "sharing" could be applied here.
But on the other hand, it is extremely cool to say that "I" own the sun. Lets say it together now, "I OWN THE SUN." Do you feel that powerful surge of awesomness flowing through you as you chant that to your walking neighbors as they look at you funny from your front porch? I own the Sun. Priceless. Well, in theory, probably not, as Duran had to pay to issue her claim with the Agence France-Presse reports. But that being besides the point, what a great -yet tacky- way to show off.
Step aside Helios, there's a new sun God in town.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Halloween Approaches!: A Poem
As Halloween approaches
teachers deck out in broaches,
of pumpkins, ghosts, and pesky cockroaches.
But what do I do? I jump out with glee,
as Halloween is a splendid time for me!
Filled with creepy songs and frightening sights,
Halloween is my favorite of nights.
No average ghost or vampire for me,
my costume ideas fill me with glee!
Medusa, eggs, zombie nerd;
all past appearances, while trick-or-treating in a herd.
But what of this year you ask?
Am I do don a cloak, a mask?
Princess slippers with jewels, or a cat's tail with whiskers?
Well, whichever will get me more Snickers.
And the candy selections? Please at all costs;
no pretzels, apples, or Dots.
Halloween is idolized as a night of enjoyed CANDY and sweets,
not an evening of fruits and low-cal beets.
So when you are candy shopping the night before,
PLEASE. Buy stuff that will want to makes kids go to your door.
Halloween on a Sunday night?!
Oh no, what a fright!
What about school the next day,
do we stay out all night and play?
Or head in early for the night with out any complaining?
I'm thinking so, in order for smooth sailing.
Halloween is supposed to be a night of fun!
lots of candy and costumes and bottles of rum!
Okay so not rum, but you get the picture,
Halloween will be a blast!
Minus getting up early the next day for class....
teachers deck out in broaches,
of pumpkins, ghosts, and pesky cockroaches.
But what do I do? I jump out with glee,
as Halloween is a splendid time for me!
Filled with creepy songs and frightening sights,
Halloween is my favorite of nights.
No average ghost or vampire for me,
my costume ideas fill me with glee!
Medusa, eggs, zombie nerd;
all past appearances, while trick-or-treating in a herd.
But what of this year you ask?
Am I do don a cloak, a mask?
Princess slippers with jewels, or a cat's tail with whiskers?
Well, whichever will get me more Snickers.
And the candy selections? Please at all costs;
no pretzels, apples, or Dots.
Halloween is idolized as a night of enjoyed CANDY and sweets,
not an evening of fruits and low-cal beets.
So when you are candy shopping the night before,
PLEASE. Buy stuff that will want to makes kids go to your door.
Halloween on a Sunday night?!
Oh no, what a fright!
What about school the next day,
do we stay out all night and play?
Or head in early for the night with out any complaining?
I'm thinking so, in order for smooth sailing.
Halloween is supposed to be a night of fun!
lots of candy and costumes and bottles of rum!
Okay so not rum, but you get the picture,
Halloween will be a blast!
Minus getting up early the next day for class....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Oven-baked Tans and Bleach-blonde Hair? I Don't Think So
*In order to preserve the anonymity of this blog(s), i will refrain from relating my own personal attributes to it, just for the sake of keeping the identity of ninjasurfer a close secret. Thank you for your cooperation :)
There are many different definitions of the term "beauty".
"The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)," courtesy of Dictionary.com; or, "The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit," via Miriam-Webster Online . Both of these definitions are analytically correct, which is the reason why i think the world has taken too literally.
Beauty doesn't just come from appearance, which is what i think most people perceive it out to be; it is so much more. Beauty should be natural, a trait unique to you and only you; something that you have that no one else in the world possesses; that in itself is simply beautiful. Natural Beauty is when you are able to recognize the assets that make you, you, and being confidentially able to show it off to the world. You know when you have achieved true Natural Beauty when you are able to accept who you are as a person, imperfections and all, and still love living life and those who embrace your diversity.
But does natural beauty come from going tanning twice a week? Wearing only the "cool" and expensive brands? Does it come from applying so much make-up, you look like a perfect porcelain doll? Or from freaking. styling. your. hair. every. single. day. ? IT might help you look beautiful, but it's not beauty. It's not the real you. It's not the unique you.
walking the halls of Kennedy suit as a REPUGNANCE to me. Most girls i see are decked out in super tight, revealing clothes; loaded with powdery faces and artificially straight/curly hair, or look like they just popped out of the oven at 350 degrees with the "Gingerbread Man".
Now I'm not trying to hate, honest. If you think that is who you are and it makes you feel beautiful, then go for it; be my guest.
Just answer me this: if every other girl is doing the same thing, how will YOU stand out? How will your own style and God-given beauty shine? Don't you want the world to see how you truly are? Why are you changing yourself? If people don't accept your appearance or just you as a person, then that's their loss.
Don't be someone you're not.
Friday, October 8, 2010
ALL-STATE AUDITIONS = being struck by a massive rubber mallet while prancing on a cloud
In exactly 15 days, i will take part in the biggest audition of the year. The all-state music festival audition. Millions (okay maybe hundreds...) of high schoolers across the state of Iowa audition to be a part of the extremely elite and highly competitive symphony orchestra and choir. This year will be my third year auditioning; but hopefully not my third year of..........consecutively not making it in.
As most music programs/ professions/ gatherings/ activities/ stuff goes, some form of an audition to make a group or to get in is required. I can see that as being a reasonable form of entry: naturally whoever will be hiring and paying you big sacks of moulah would want to make sure that they are making the right choice. Even if you weren't getting paid, any conductor or director would want to make sure that you sound at least moderately decent.
That is only pro to auditions: it is in the conductor's interest to hear you. That's pretty much it. Of course besides the fact that your chances of making it into all-state are much, much higher if you audition, it's besides the point.
The cons, however, greatly outnumber the benefits of auditioning.
1) who in there right MIND can show "natural talent" by playing their 3-octave scales with their sixteenth note equal to 88 beats per minute? WHO?????????? Bring me forth, my good people, one individual, one single soul, that can express his true musicianship through the dreadful playing of these horrid inventions! ONE PERSON! THE SCALES PROVE NOTHING!!!!!!! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (copyright: Inglorious Bastards) Well, maybe perhaps that you can play something super sonic fast and wipe out, but, that's about it.
2) Okay there is a borderline between fun challenging music and hard challenging music. This year for all-state (at least for the violas), the always challenging music isn't so much hard, as it is fun to play! Which is good. But, the excerpts from those fun-challenging pieces aren't exactly the most musical, per se. I mean honestly, when the brass are belting out the counter-melody behind you as you have a run of unrealistically, speed-of-light sixteenth notes (i am NOT exaggerating one bit. you can justify my writings with any orchestra member auditioning....) which no one, not even yourself can hear play, stand in as one of your excerpts, it seems quite pointless -unless you are prepared to pop a sting or set your bow on fire from the sheer force of pressure and friction to play over the brass- to use that specific section as a "test" of your ability. Granted, yes, the music is hard, but if no one will hear it, WHO. CARES.
3) A 1-1:30 minute solo is also another required part of your audition. This is one of the more reasonable portions of your audition....to a degree. Once you finally learn to make your piece sing and flow like it was finally a part of you; finally feel like you achieved something great, and awesome; once you've done everything in your musical ability to have the song magically float off the page and dance in front you in in sheer splendidness: you hear someone else's solo. That right there folks, is like prancing on a cloud... until you are suddenly struck with a massive, whopping rubber mallet that sends you plummeting to the earth as it squashes you flat on the cold hard (and often jagged) ground. No lie. Just the titles of other people's solos sound so much more exotic and fancier; that it makes you feel so insignificant.
(I hear someone in the viola practice room playing before the audition)
me: WOAH (insert name of Linn-mar violist here....)! That was super amazing!
Linn-mar violist: eh. Thanks little insignificant Kennedy violist.
Linn-mar violist: *sigh....* Bach's eighth concerto in F flat minor Opus number 168 in B, second movement. (as he/she flips his/her hair and looks up and away from you)
me: oh.
Linn-mar violist: although i don't really care but have nothing else to do, ill ask you. What solo are you attempting to play?
me: ..............the first Gavotte in Suzuki book 3.
Okay so that actually does not happen, and i promise you altough the Linn-mar violists are wickedly amazing, i have tons of respect for them....Cept when they beat me out for auditions, but, not the point I'm trying to make. See how intimidating it sounds when just what your playing sounds like so....much? It's like a competition in it's own to "see who can pick the solo that has the longest title!" WOOT! ....not.
And for the record as of now:
~All my scales are at metronome 80 decently
~ All my excerpts are where they need to be and maybe even then some
~ My solo (which is actually the Courante from Bach's G major suite) is good. Improving in the next two weeks, yes, but very very very very good.
Will i ready for this audition? Oh heck yes. Will i make it in? ehm...perhaps if a few of the Linn-mar violists "mysteriously happened" to have their viola's spontaneously burst into flame.... :)
(kidding, kidding)
As most music programs/ professions/ gatherings/ activities/ stuff goes, some form of an audition to make a group or to get in is required. I can see that as being a reasonable form of entry: naturally whoever will be hiring and paying you big sacks of moulah would want to make sure that they are making the right choice. Even if you weren't getting paid, any conductor or director would want to make sure that you sound at least moderately decent.
That is only pro to auditions: it is in the conductor's interest to hear you. That's pretty much it. Of course besides the fact that your chances of making it into all-state are much, much higher if you audition, it's besides the point.
The cons, however, greatly outnumber the benefits of auditioning.
1) who in there right MIND can show "natural talent" by playing their 3-octave scales with their sixteenth note equal to 88 beats per minute? WHO?????????? Bring me forth, my good people, one individual, one single soul, that can express his true musicianship through the dreadful playing of these horrid inventions! ONE PERSON! THE SCALES PROVE NOTHING!!!!!!! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (copyright: Inglorious Bastards) Well, maybe perhaps that you can play something super sonic fast and wipe out, but, that's about it.
2) Okay there is a borderline between fun challenging music and hard challenging music. This year for all-state (at least for the violas), the always challenging music isn't so much hard, as it is fun to play! Which is good. But, the excerpts from those fun-challenging pieces aren't exactly the most musical, per se. I mean honestly, when the brass are belting out the counter-melody behind you as you have a run of unrealistically, speed-of-light sixteenth notes (i am NOT exaggerating one bit. you can justify my writings with any orchestra member auditioning....) which no one, not even yourself can hear play, stand in as one of your excerpts, it seems quite pointless -unless you are prepared to pop a sting or set your bow on fire from the sheer force of pressure and friction to play over the brass- to use that specific section as a "test" of your ability. Granted, yes, the music is hard, but if no one will hear it, WHO. CARES.
3) A 1-1:30 minute solo is also another required part of your audition. This is one of the more reasonable portions of your audition....to a degree. Once you finally learn to make your piece sing and flow like it was finally a part of you; finally feel like you achieved something great, and awesome; once you've done everything in your musical ability to have the song magically float off the page and dance in front you in in sheer splendidness: you hear someone else's solo. That right there folks, is like prancing on a cloud... until you are suddenly struck with a massive, whopping rubber mallet that sends you plummeting to the earth as it squashes you flat on the cold hard (and often jagged) ground. No lie. Just the titles of other people's solos sound so much more exotic and fancier; that it makes you feel so insignificant.
(I hear someone in the viola practice room playing before the audition)
me: WOAH (insert name of Linn-mar violist here....)! That was super amazing!
Linn-mar violist: eh. Thanks little insignificant Kennedy violist.
Linn-mar violist: *sigh....* Bach's eighth concerto in F flat minor Opus number 168 in B, second movement. (as he/she flips his/her hair and looks up and away from you)
me: oh.
Linn-mar violist: although i don't really care but have nothing else to do, ill ask you. What solo are you attempting to play?
me: ..............the first Gavotte in Suzuki book 3.
Okay so that actually does not happen, and i promise you altough the Linn-mar violists are wickedly amazing, i have tons of respect for them....Cept when they beat me out for auditions, but, not the point I'm trying to make. See how intimidating it sounds when just what your playing sounds like so....much? It's like a competition in it's own to "see who can pick the solo that has the longest title!" WOOT! ....not.
And for the record as of now:
~All my scales are at metronome 80 decently
~ All my excerpts are where they need to be and maybe even then some
~ My solo (which is actually the Courante from Bach's G major suite) is good. Improving in the next two weeks, yes, but very very very very good.
Will i ready for this audition? Oh heck yes. Will i make it in? ehm...perhaps if a few of the Linn-mar violists "mysteriously happened" to have their viola's spontaneously burst into flame.... :)
(kidding, kidding)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Homecoming Dance: Part 2
So as previously discussed, homecoming week was....debatably alright. DEBATABLY. As for the dance? I remember like it was yesterday...
It all started maybe 3 weeks before the homecoming dance. I had a glorious vision (and as it turned out, apparently too demanding of one) in my mind about how my junior year homecoming dance was going to be. My friends and i would go out to dinner as a group, head to the dance, and perhaps if we were lucky enough -to attend an after party later that evening.
Now before i continue, I'm sure everyone have had their run-ins with the infamous MURPHY'S LAW. You know, the one about if anything bad/unexpected could happen, it probably will? Yep. That fell right in line with my homecoming fantasy. One friend was going to be "conveniently" out of town, the other didn't want to go if they didn't have a date, the other already had a date, the other just flat out said N.O., and the other said eh.....i don't want to intrude on you and your date. So will all this in play, it just ended up being me and my date. AND THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT IT WAS A MOST GLORIOUS EVENING AND WE HAD A BLAST AND A MOST WONDERFUL TIME AND I ADORED FINALLY SPENDING TIME WITH THEM AFTER OUR EXTREMELY HECTICS SCHEDULE KEEP US OCCUPIED. SO YEAH. DON'T HATE. Anywho, i began to think as i was getting dressed for my night out about the reasons my Friends gave me. Okay, going out of town is acceptable i guess...to a point. But not wanting to go because you don't have a date or because you just didn't want to or you didn't want to go with someone as friends just doesn't equate up to a rational notion to me.
1) It's a high school tradition! YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN! well okay next year, but then would you even go if this same situation reoccurs?
3) Okay so no one asked you. Big deal. go in a group with friends! It is less awkward to bust a move with your friends that it is to with your date. (although this one doesn't apply to me....i bust a move even when I'm not at a dance)
4) what is the big deal with over-dramatizing the idea of a "dance"? It is one big stinking social gathering. Granted, yes, people are practically engaging in certain unethical procedures, but minus that (unless that's your thing...) dances are just a place for friends to all sweat together in their nice fancy clothes dancing around like wild chimpanzees for four hours. Who wouldn't love that!?
5) Okay no but for real you're just going with your friends to a fun party with lots and lots of people. why would you miss an opportunity to do that? you don't have an "official date"? you don't want to dress up? you're going to feel awkward there? WELL SUCK IT UP. Have some school spirit for crying out loud! I mean we could use as much as we can get considering how pathetic our spirit week was....
It all started maybe 3 weeks before the homecoming dance. I had a glorious vision (and as it turned out, apparently too demanding of one) in my mind about how my junior year homecoming dance was going to be. My friends and i would go out to dinner as a group, head to the dance, and perhaps if we were lucky enough -to attend an after party later that evening.
Now before i continue, I'm sure everyone have had their run-ins with the infamous MURPHY'S LAW. You know, the one about if anything bad/unexpected could happen, it probably will? Yep. That fell right in line with my homecoming fantasy. One friend was going to be "conveniently" out of town, the other didn't want to go if they didn't have a date, the other already had a date, the other just flat out said N.O., and the other said eh.....i don't want to intrude on you and your date. So will all this in play, it just ended up being me and my date. AND THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT IT WAS A MOST GLORIOUS EVENING AND WE HAD A BLAST AND A MOST WONDERFUL TIME AND I ADORED FINALLY SPENDING TIME WITH THEM AFTER OUR EXTREMELY HECTICS SCHEDULE KEEP US OCCUPIED. SO YEAH. DON'T HATE. Anywho, i began to think as i was getting dressed for my night out about the reasons my Friends gave me. Okay, going out of town is acceptable i guess...to a point. But not wanting to go because you don't have a date or because you just didn't want to or you didn't want to go with someone as friends just doesn't equate up to a rational notion to me.
1) It's a high school tradition! YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN! well okay next year, but then would you even go if this same situation reoccurs?
3) Okay so no one asked you. Big deal. go in a group with friends! It is less awkward to bust a move with your friends that it is to with your date. (although this one doesn't apply to me....i bust a move even when I'm not at a dance)
4) what is the big deal with over-dramatizing the idea of a "dance"? It is one big stinking social gathering. Granted, yes, people are practically engaging in certain unethical procedures, but minus that (unless that's your thing...) dances are just a place for friends to all sweat together in their nice fancy clothes dancing around like wild chimpanzees for four hours. Who wouldn't love that!?
5) Okay no but for real you're just going with your friends to a fun party with lots and lots of people. why would you miss an opportunity to do that? you don't have an "official date"? you don't want to dress up? you're going to feel awkward there? WELL SUCK IT UP. Have some school spirit for crying out loud! I mean we could use as much as we can get considering how pathetic our spirit week was....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Vacation from Vacations
Traveling all the time is a very exhilarating experience! But at the same time, extremely tiring (it's hard to keep track of the time when you constantly jump time zones and sleep half the days at your destination...TRUST me...) and capable of bringing on a strong case of homesickness. In continuation of this thought, i have decided to periodically take a break from my travels and keep my current thoughts down on my blog instead. An "Vacation from Vacations" diary, if you will. With this in mind, i will be taking a vacation away from my vacations...perhaps a very long extended vacation from my daily vacations. And if that confused you at all, don't worry, you're not alone...
Recently, it was our school's homecoming week.
In all honesty, the spirit days had about the same equivalence of creativity as a a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: NONE. Okay i get "green and gold" day, but "tye-dye day"? "crayon day"? and seriously... "NEON DAY"? Who in their right mind would own a pair of bright neon-green pants?? They were all pretty much "WEAR YOUR HIDEOUSLY COLORED SHIRT DAY! YAY US!"
no. please. just stop right there. You show me 100 guys that own a legitimate tye-dyed shirt and would actually remember to wear it on the corresponding day. What's that? You can't?
....such a shame.
So yes, the spirit week lacked CREATIVE spirit. But what about the football game??
The minute you walked in Kingston stadium and saw the opposing school's student section, you wondered why they were even there at all. Like in all honesty, why did they even have a student section? There were maybe 40 people. Okay, I'll be generous and give them 42 so they won't look as minuscule... But man, would i be intimidated if i was sitting on their side overlooking the rousing balloon-wielding, green and gold wearing, s** toy doll tossing student section that was (insert name of my school here) High!! And, it didn't hurt that our band rocked as usual, and our cheerleaders and dance team were spectacular! Oh, and also our footballers who actually played the game.....hehehe.
Okay so (lack of) Spirit week? Check. Creaming the opposing team at our homecoming football game? Check. All that's left? THE DANCE.
Okay so this is an interesting subject for me because this past homecoming dance was quite an interesting one....
Alrightie so this situation involves Friends A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. I would go into depth about it, but i feel as though that would be invading their private lives, which they would not be too happy with me about, so i guess i will have to leave it at that...But in general, i noticed that the trend of "well he/she is not going, so I'm not going" or "well i wont have a date so, why bother?" or "no sorry, i can't go with you guys because i do have a date" or "yeaaaaaah. I conviently won't be in-town so, nope." or "well ninjasurfer, if it is just you and your date, so, i wouldn't want to be the third wheel (which i gladly accepted)" or "no. I don't want to go. It's stupid." was very high this year. Okay, i guess those are all respectable answers, expect for maybe the last one. Or so i thought..........
Recently, it was our school's homecoming week.
In all honesty, the spirit days had about the same equivalence of creativity as a a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: NONE. Okay i get "green and gold" day, but "tye-dye day"? "crayon day"? and seriously... "NEON DAY"? Who in their right mind would own a pair of bright neon-green pants?? They were all pretty much "WEAR YOUR HIDEOUSLY COLORED SHIRT DAY! YAY US!"
no. please. just stop right there. You show me 100 guys that own a legitimate tye-dyed shirt and would actually remember to wear it on the corresponding day. What's that? You can't?
....such a shame.
So yes, the spirit week lacked CREATIVE spirit. But what about the football game??
The minute you walked in Kingston stadium and saw the opposing school's student section, you wondered why they were even there at all. Like in all honesty, why did they even have a student section? There were maybe 40 people. Okay, I'll be generous and give them 42 so they won't look as minuscule... But man, would i be intimidated if i was sitting on their side overlooking the rousing balloon-wielding, green and gold wearing, s** toy doll tossing student section that was (insert name of my school here) High!! And, it didn't hurt that our band rocked as usual, and our cheerleaders and dance team were spectacular! Oh, and also our footballers who actually played the game.....hehehe.
Okay so (lack of) Spirit week? Check. Creaming the opposing team at our homecoming football game? Check. All that's left? THE DANCE.
Okay so this is an interesting subject for me because this past homecoming dance was quite an interesting one....
Alrightie so this situation involves Friends A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. I would go into depth about it, but i feel as though that would be invading their private lives, which they would not be too happy with me about, so i guess i will have to leave it at that...But in general, i noticed that the trend of "well he/she is not going, so I'm not going" or "well i wont have a date so, why bother?" or "no sorry, i can't go with you guys because i do have a date" or "yeaaaaaah. I conviently won't be in-town so, nope." or "well ninjasurfer, if it is just you and your date, so, i wouldn't want to be the third wheel (which i gladly accepted)" or "no. I don't want to go. It's stupid." was very high this year. Okay, i guess those are all respectable answers, expect for maybe the last one. Or so i thought..........
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Amazonian Rainforet
The Amazon Rainforest is a region that stretches across the widest part of the South American continent. It engulfs 1.7 billion acres of land, or 7 million square kilometers. Of the 1.7 billion acres, 1.4 billion (or 5.5 million square kilometers) is covered by dense, tropical forests. The massive rainforest stretches across 9 nations: French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. The last two holding 13% and 60% of the land, respectively.
Scientists believe that the Amazon Rainforest was formed about 56 to 34 million years ago during the first real "tropical" temperature fluctuation in the Amazon basin. Ever since then, the growth of a huge bio diverse land was forever created. It is estimated that 1 in 10 known species in the world take residence in the vast rainforest. Therefore this cconstitutes the largest collection of animal species and living plants the world has ever seen, and probably will ever know. Wet tropical forests are the source of the most species-rich biomes in the world; and with the Amazon being the largest tropical forest in the world, a plethora of unparalleled diverse species are found here, more than in African and Asian forests.
-The plant diversity in the Amazon rainforest is unbeatable. It has the highest diversity of greenery found anywhere in the world. Some scientists explain that one square kilometer could possibly contain over a thousand types of plants and tens of thousands of different tree species.
-According to a 2001 study, Ecuadorian rainforest supports more than 1,100 tree species per 1 quarter square kilometer
Animals and Wildlife:
-Over 2,000 mammal and bird species
-2.5 million insect species
-As of modern times, at least: 378 reptiles, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians, 1,294 birds, 3,000 fish, and 40,000 plant species have been successfully, scientifically classified in the Amazonian region.
-One in five of all the birds on the planet nest in the many rainforests of the Amazon
-Between 96,660 and 128,843 invertebrate species have been estimated to reside in Brazil alone
Hazardous Creatures and Elements:
-Includes the Anaconda, Cougar, Jaguar, and Black Caimin as the top most threatening animals of the Amazon
-Swimming in the rivers include Electric Eels and Piranhas that pose threats
-Rabies spreading Vampire bats
-Hundreds of different Poison dart frogs
-Potentially able to contract Yellow Fever, Malaria, or Dengue Fever
Although there are some frightening aspects of the Forests as listed above, there are still many many reasons for conserving it. Deforestation has drastically reduced the size of the majestic forest. At the current rate of deforestation, the Amazon will be reduced to 40% of it's current size in 20 years, endangering a boat load of living species. Today, 91% of the deforested land since 1970 has been used for cattle and other livestock pastures. The main reasons for this is because Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans (the United States is the first) and in accordance to their live-stock need, sufficient room for agriculture is necessary. Also, with the first two highways opened in the rainforest, an obvious increase in deforestation as well as settlement became evident in the past 10 years. A computer animation encompassing future climate change as a result of greenhouse gases show that the Amazon rainforest could become unstable under increased temperature and severely reduced rainfall, leading to a vast loss of rainforest cover by 2100 in the South American basin
Because Amazonian forests have been estimated to intake 0.62 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare per year (between 1975 and 1996), many conservation groups have stepped in to help the unparalleled natural wonder from total deforestation. The Amazon Conservation Team , The World Wildlife Foundation , The APECA , and many other organizational groups are heading the natural conservation of the Amazon Rain forest.
Scientists believe that the Amazon Rainforest was formed about 56 to 34 million years ago during the first real "tropical" temperature fluctuation in the Amazon basin. Ever since then, the growth of a huge bio diverse land was forever created. It is estimated that 1 in 10 known species in the world take residence in the vast rainforest. Therefore this cconstitutes the largest collection of animal species and living plants the world has ever seen, and probably will ever know. Wet tropical forests are the source of the most species-rich biomes in the world; and with the Amazon being the largest tropical forest in the world, a plethora of unparalleled diverse species are found here, more than in African and Asian forests.
-The plant diversity in the Amazon rainforest is unbeatable. It has the highest diversity of greenery found anywhere in the world. Some scientists explain that one square kilometer could possibly contain over a thousand types of plants and tens of thousands of different tree species.
-According to a 2001 study, Ecuadorian rainforest supports more than 1,100 tree species per 1 quarter square kilometer
Animals and Wildlife:
-Over 2,000 mammal and bird species
-2.5 million insect species
-As of modern times, at least: 378 reptiles, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians, 1,294 birds, 3,000 fish, and 40,000 plant species have been successfully, scientifically classified in the Amazonian region.
-One in five of all the birds on the planet nest in the many rainforests of the Amazon
-Between 96,660 and 128,843 invertebrate species have been estimated to reside in Brazil alone
Hazardous Creatures and Elements:
-Includes the Anaconda, Cougar, Jaguar, and Black Caimin as the top most threatening animals of the Amazon
-Swimming in the rivers include Electric Eels and Piranhas that pose threats
-Rabies spreading Vampire bats
-Hundreds of different Poison dart frogs
-Potentially able to contract Yellow Fever, Malaria, or Dengue Fever
Although there are some frightening aspects of the Forests as listed above, there are still many many reasons for conserving it. Deforestation has drastically reduced the size of the majestic forest. At the current rate of deforestation, the Amazon will be reduced to 40% of it's current size in 20 years, endangering a boat load of living species. Today, 91% of the deforested land since 1970 has been used for cattle and other livestock pastures. The main reasons for this is because Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans (the United States is the first) and in accordance to their live-stock need, sufficient room for agriculture is necessary. Also, with the first two highways opened in the rainforest, an obvious increase in deforestation as well as settlement became evident in the past 10 years. A computer animation encompassing future climate change as a result of greenhouse gases show that the Amazon rainforest could become unstable under increased temperature and severely reduced rainfall, leading to a vast loss of rainforest cover by 2100 in the South American basin
Because Amazonian forests have been estimated to intake 0.62 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare per year (between 1975 and 1996), many conservation groups have stepped in to help the unparalleled natural wonder from total deforestation. The Amazon Conservation Team , The World Wildlife Foundation , The APECA , and many other organizational groups are heading the natural conservation of the Amazon Rain forest.
Museu da Língua Portuguesa
Click here here for the informational website of the Portuguese language Museum
The Museum of the Portuguese language in San Palo, Brazil is one of the only language museums in the world. It is rumored that the museum would have been built in San Palo, Brazil because San Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world with over 20 million citizens. To make an efficient impact, the Secretary of Culture in Brazil decided to locate the museum in the Estacao de Luz train station, one used by hundreds of thousands of foreigners daily. The original idea for the Museum was thought up by Ralph Appelbaum -also the creator of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, New York and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. Once inside the museum, there are many interactive exhibits, movies, and artifacts that depict the history and evolution of the Portuguese language in Brazil: from the Treaty of Tordesillas issued on June 7th, 1494 to modern day colloquial terms used in everyday life.
The opening ceremony of the museum was on March 20, 2006 and hosted by Grammy award-winning singer Gilberto Gil and the Brazilian Minister of Culture. In the words of Gilberto: "The language speaks for you. The purpose of studying and interacting with a language in a museum, cultural and exchange programs, orthographic agreements, and the development of new words show how important it is. The language is our mother. This museum covers most, if not all, the aspects of the written and spoken language, of the dynamic language, the language of interaction, the language of affection, the language of gestures and of any other aspects that this museum was meant to promote."
This museum is a very unique cultural attraction for Brazil. No where else in the world is there a museum educating it's civilians about the history of their language, which is something very special. It would be interesting the see if the United States would open a museum of the American Language. That way tourists to the country would be cleared of any stereotypes of the American Language.
The Museum of the Portuguese language in San Palo, Brazil is one of the only language museums in the world. It is rumored that the museum would have been built in San Palo, Brazil because San Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world with over 20 million citizens. To make an efficient impact, the Secretary of Culture in Brazil decided to locate the museum in the Estacao de Luz train station, one used by hundreds of thousands of foreigners daily. The original idea for the Museum was thought up by Ralph Appelbaum -also the creator of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, New York and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. Once inside the museum, there are many interactive exhibits, movies, and artifacts that depict the history and evolution of the Portuguese language in Brazil: from the Treaty of Tordesillas issued on June 7th, 1494 to modern day colloquial terms used in everyday life.
The opening ceremony of the museum was on March 20, 2006 and hosted by Grammy award-winning singer Gilberto Gil and the Brazilian Minister of Culture. In the words of Gilberto: "The language speaks for you. The purpose of studying and interacting with a language in a museum, cultural and exchange programs, orthographic agreements, and the development of new words show how important it is. The language is our mother. This museum covers most, if not all, the aspects of the written and spoken language, of the dynamic language, the language of interaction, the language of affection, the language of gestures and of any other aspects that this museum was meant to promote."
This museum is a very unique cultural attraction for Brazil. No where else in the world is there a museum educating it's civilians about the history of their language, which is something very special. It would be interesting the see if the United States would open a museum of the American Language. That way tourists to the country would be cleared of any stereotypes of the American Language.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Viva Brazil!
Greetings loved ones! Let's take a journey! .....to BRAZIL!!
The Federative Republic of Brazil is the next stop on our tour around the world! As we fly towards the South American continent -and if there were bright neon border lines around the country- you'd be able to see the largest country on the South American continent (and 5th largest in the world), Brazil. Brazil is bordered by the Atlantic ocean (or southern ocean) to the East, and all other South American countries excluding Ecuador and Chile.
On June 7th, 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was issued to divide up the new unclaimed lands in South America between Spain and Portugal. Because of the boundary line the treaty issued, Portugal received the region that would become Brazil, enforcing their official language, Portuguese, onto the natives. This is why the official language of Brazil is Portuguese, and spoken no where else in South America.
Since Brazil is such a large country, it's climate varies just like here in the United States. 25% of the country, in the south, is generally cooler than the tropical northern regions. The large amount of warm tropical weather allows for Brazil's many rain forests to flourish, including the world's largest, the Amazon.
Join me next time as we indulge in our South American adventures in Brazil!
The Federative Republic of Brazil is the next stop on our tour around the world! As we fly towards the South American continent -and if there were bright neon border lines around the country- you'd be able to see the largest country on the South American continent (and 5th largest in the world), Brazil. Brazil is bordered by the Atlantic ocean (or southern ocean) to the East, and all other South American countries excluding Ecuador and Chile.
On June 7th, 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was issued to divide up the new unclaimed lands in South America between Spain and Portugal. Because of the boundary line the treaty issued, Portugal received the region that would become Brazil, enforcing their official language, Portuguese, onto the natives. This is why the official language of Brazil is Portuguese, and spoken no where else in South America.
Since Brazil is such a large country, it's climate varies just like here in the United States. 25% of the country, in the south, is generally cooler than the tropical northern regions. The large amount of warm tropical weather allows for Brazil's many rain forests to flourish, including the world's largest, the Amazon.
Join me next time as we indulge in our South American adventures in Brazil!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
yoda lei he who!
Click here for more information about Swiss Alp tours!
Now that my lovely attempt at Yodeling has drawn your attention to my newest post, I have decided we are going to spend our last day in Switzerland in the Swiss Alps!
The Swiss Alps are a prominent feature on the European continent. If you see them from the sky (which I have) they look just like wrinkles in a pair of jeans, but up close you being to realize: those are some pretty big pairs of jeans....
Compromised of mainly limestone, marble, and granite, the Alpine mountain range was actually not present over 500 million years ago. Natural shifting of the Earth's tectonic plates are the cause of its existence. The African tectonic plate started to move up towards the Asian and European plates causing pressure, thusly forcing the rise of new mountains up from the ocean floor.
The highest peak in the Alpine Mountain range is Mont Blanc at 15,782 feet, on the French-Italian border. But in Switzerland, the highest peak is Monte Rosa, standing strong at 15,202 feet near Switzerland’s Italian border. The highest mountain, though, in Switzerland is the Dom, straddling the skyline at 14,911 feet. To put that in perspective, that would be as tall as 150 school buses stacked on top of each other!
But surprisingly, the growths of the Swiss Alps are still going on! The Swiss Alps are still a baby range, but by adding an average rate of 0.04 inches per year, they are on the rise. One can tell by the shape of any mountain range how relatively “old” they are. If a range’s summits are jagged and rough, the mountain range is fairly new- like the Alps. If the peaks are rounded off and smooth, it implies that the mounds of dirt and stone have been eroded down and re-shaped by the wind or other natural forces.
But in our time there, we’ll be focusing more on the tourist aspect! Various tours are offered and an ample amount of cable car systems are available. Here are a few images of what we would see from the inside of our cable car:

The Matterhorn

Map of the Alpine Mountain Range

Okay, so maybe not so much of this last image, but you get the idea. The range is so vast, it is hard to capture all it's beauty in one shot!
Just like they say you are what you eat, "you are how your geographical features are! ~Ninjasurfer." This can directly relate to Switzerland. It's vast culture and gorgeous landscapes make it one of the most breathtaking places on Earth.
Alas, i fee this moment is appropriate to conclude our Swiss vacation. As a parting gift, i give you one last look of glorious and awesome geographical wonder that is the Swiss Alps!
Now that my lovely attempt at Yodeling has drawn your attention to my newest post, I have decided we are going to spend our last day in Switzerland in the Swiss Alps!
The Swiss Alps are a prominent feature on the European continent. If you see them from the sky (which I have) they look just like wrinkles in a pair of jeans, but up close you being to realize: those are some pretty big pairs of jeans....
Compromised of mainly limestone, marble, and granite, the Alpine mountain range was actually not present over 500 million years ago. Natural shifting of the Earth's tectonic plates are the cause of its existence. The African tectonic plate started to move up towards the Asian and European plates causing pressure, thusly forcing the rise of new mountains up from the ocean floor.
The highest peak in the Alpine Mountain range is Mont Blanc at 15,782 feet, on the French-Italian border. But in Switzerland, the highest peak is Monte Rosa, standing strong at 15,202 feet near Switzerland’s Italian border. The highest mountain, though, in Switzerland is the Dom, straddling the skyline at 14,911 feet. To put that in perspective, that would be as tall as 150 school buses stacked on top of each other!
But surprisingly, the growths of the Swiss Alps are still going on! The Swiss Alps are still a baby range, but by adding an average rate of 0.04 inches per year, they are on the rise. One can tell by the shape of any mountain range how relatively “old” they are. If a range’s summits are jagged and rough, the mountain range is fairly new- like the Alps. If the peaks are rounded off and smooth, it implies that the mounds of dirt and stone have been eroded down and re-shaped by the wind or other natural forces.
But in our time there, we’ll be focusing more on the tourist aspect! Various tours are offered and an ample amount of cable car systems are available. Here are a few images of what we would see from the inside of our cable car:
The Matterhorn
Map of the Alpine Mountain Range
Okay, so maybe not so much of this last image, but you get the idea. The range is so vast, it is hard to capture all it's beauty in one shot!
Just like they say you are what you eat, "you are how your geographical features are! ~Ninjasurfer." This can directly relate to Switzerland. It's vast culture and gorgeous landscapes make it one of the most breathtaking places on Earth.
Alas, i fee this moment is appropriate to conclude our Swiss vacation. As a parting gift, i give you one last look of glorious and awesome geographical wonder that is the Swiss Alps!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Swiss Cheese?: Facts and Myths about Switzerland
Swiss cheese: Is NOT Swiss! The culture famously found on most American's turkey sandwiches are actually an American invention (just like fortune cookies). Actual SWISS cheese is referred to as Emmemtal or Emmemtaler cheese. But, both cheeses still retain their famous contour of craters, which are formed by CO2 bubbles that were not removed during their production. Originally, the characteristic holes were thought as an imperfection and were constantly avoid in production. Now days, Emmental cheese artisans embrace the "imperfections" and craft the modern-day "holy" cheese that is eaten all around the world.
Swiss Neutrality in Foreign Affairs: Here's the situation: your two best friends are arguing over who has the cuter homecoming dress and they ask you to decide the final verdict. What do you do? "Don't look at me, I’m Switzerland." In addition to probably losing both your friends' friendship, you have just stated a fact that has been true since 1815. The Swiss Republic has not engaged, partook, joined, contributed, took part in, or helped in any war since the early 19th century. Switzerland was one of the only European countries to maintain neutrality through BOTH world wars! Yes, it was conquered by Napoleon Bonaparte during his reign as emperor of France, but the Swiss did not fight back. Talk about a peaceful nation!
Red Cross: Notice any similarities between the International Red Cross symbol and the flag of Switzerland? They are identical (minus the color inversion)! The International Committee of the Red Cross was actually originated, and still is located, in Geneva, Switzerland in 1863. The Red Cross was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1917, 1944, and 1963: all respectfully after or during major international war conflicts. The purpose of the ICRC is "to protect the life and dignity of the victims of international and internal armed conflicts." The founder, Henry Dunant originated his ideas based off his own personal experiences as a war veteran, as well as his firsthand account of the causalities of the Battle of Solfernio in Italy on June 24, 1859. Noticing that there would be no immediate or even direct medical attention, Dunant published his feelings and ideas of what would turn into the modern-day Red Cross Association we know and deeply rely on today.
Swiss Watches: Watches-smaches. Everyone uses their itouches or cell phones these days to tell the time. But when faced in a formal situation, a dignified and respectable watch can greatly aid your appearance! The very classic”Swiss watch" is actually, not a single brand of watch at all. The watch is considered "Swiss" if it:
1. The manufacture of the watch is carried out in Switzerland,
2. Its "face" and chain are cased up in Switzerland, and
3. The parts are made in Switzerland.
If all these criteria are met, then you have yourself a dandy Swiss-made watch
CERN: Made popular by Dan Brown's wonderfully-amazing times 10 to the millionth power novel, Angels and Demons, the European Organization for Nuclear Research or -CERN for short- is located in, you guessed it, Switzerland! Situated in Geneva along the Franco-Swiss border, CERN is primarily based on the study of nuclear particle interactions (particle physics), as well as intensive study about the atomic nucleus.
Swiss Chocolate: Running neck and neck with the Germans and Belgians, the Swiss have built up quite a reputation for high-quality cHOCoLaTe. One most notably famous Chocolatier, Jean Tolber, invented the Tolberone Bar in 1867. The original processing of chocolate was in the 1600's; and commercial outsourcing didn't occur until after World War II. Sometimes, war can be beneficial to the palates of millions world wide.
Famous Swiss:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Edmond H. Fischer
Roger Federer
Richard R. Ernst
Ursula Geiger
Albert Einstein
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Greetings from Switzerland!
Yes the greeting was in English and not in Swiss. Why? Switzerland does not have an official language or ethnicity! The next time you meet someone who claims they are Swiss, take a look, because you would be surprised at the melting pot of culture and ethnicity that the country has!
If you hadn't picked up on the subject yet, our next world tour stop is to SWITZERLAND. landlocked between Germany to the north, Austria to it's east, France to the west, and Italy to the south, Switzerland is (as mentioned above) a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities! And Switzerland must be doing something right: it's two major cities, Zürich and Geneva, have been ranked as the cities with the second and third highest quality of life in the world!
Politically speaking, Switzerland has three main branches of government just like the United States, and has a Federal Constitution as it's legal foundation. The current president of the Swiss Confederation is a MRS. Doris Leuthard. A Female president! KUDOS GIRL!
I know there are many, MANY more interesting facts about Switzerland, but as for now, I head to bed to adjust to Switzerland's time zone. Tomorrow we will start our day with local and cultural facts about the highly exciting "myths vs. facts" of the Swiss Confederation!
If you hadn't picked up on the subject yet, our next world tour stop is to SWITZERLAND. landlocked between Germany to the north, Austria to it's east, France to the west, and Italy to the south, Switzerland is (as mentioned above) a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities! And Switzerland must be doing something right: it's two major cities, Zürich and Geneva, have been ranked as the cities with the second and third highest quality of life in the world!
Politically speaking, Switzerland has three main branches of government just like the United States, and has a Federal Constitution as it's legal foundation. The current president of the Swiss Confederation is a MRS. Doris Leuthard. A Female president! KUDOS GIRL!
I know there are many, MANY more interesting facts about Switzerland, but as for now, I head to bed to adjust to Switzerland's time zone. Tomorrow we will start our day with local and cultural facts about the highly exciting "myths vs. facts" of the Swiss Confederation!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sightseeing in Turkey: A Guide in Under 500 Words
Turkey Travel Guide
Cappadocia: A city located in eastern Turkey, home to "mystical rock dwellings" that actual civilians live in; located in the scenic Göreme Valley of Turkey's capital city.

Istanbul (Constantinople): Once the capital of the Byzantine, Roman, and Ottoman Empires; practically everything in this city is a historical clash of "East meets West". Literally, everything.

Pamukkale Hot Springs: Located in the Southwestern Denizli province, these naturally occurring hot springs of calcium carbonate and limestone are a unique find, even for Turkey's standards! Pamukkale Hot Springs Website

Nemrut Dagi: Located in eastern Turkey on Mount Nemrut, MASSIVE statues erected around a first century BCE royal tomb. I wonder if they had any influence from the Egyptians?Or vice versa? Nemrut Dagi Official Site

Bodrum: Originally named Halicarnassus, the sight of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. After a devastating earthquake tore down the monument, the pieces were have said to been used in building the Castle of Saint Peter that now stands there today. One man's trash is another man's treasure...

Ankara: Any country's capital city is a definite hot-spot to visit. Local artisans and civilians are always buzzing around this historic country's mega-modern capital.

Roman Baths: Located in Ankara, the remains of Roman-influenced bath houses, constructed between 212 and 217 A.D., are a truly historical find. Today, among hundreds of columns, the remains and design of the ancient baths are still visible after their destruction in a fire in the 10th century.

Coastlines: Here is where you find the best of the best, top-notch beaches in all of Eurasia: the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea coastlines. Turkey's 8,000+ KM of coastline and over 300 "blue flag" beaches allow for more than enough room for Turkey's many tourists yearly. The sandy white beaches and turquoise crystal clear waters call for a definite fun-in-the-sun day for everyone! Show off your new swim suit from the Grand Bazaar here at one of Turkey's many pristine beaches Turkey Tourism

As you can see, there is no shortage of fun in Turkey! Whether you are charting out to see ancient ruins, partake in modern-day adventures, or just head to one of the hundreds of beaches here in Turkey, this versatile country has something for everyone. I know for sure that after all the research i have done for these past few blog posts, i have gotten extremely excited to hopefully, one day, actually visit Turkey and all the wonderful historical and cultural wonders it has to offer!
As for now, it is our time to sadly depart this hidden Arab oasis and venture off elsewhere in this vast world of ours, discovering new places and cultures. So in the native tongue of the Turks, elevda! (goodbye!)
Cappadocia: A city located in eastern Turkey, home to "mystical rock dwellings" that actual civilians live in; located in the scenic Göreme Valley of Turkey's capital city.
Istanbul (Constantinople): Once the capital of the Byzantine, Roman, and Ottoman Empires; practically everything in this city is a historical clash of "East meets West". Literally, everything.
Pamukkale Hot Springs: Located in the Southwestern Denizli province, these naturally occurring hot springs of calcium carbonate and limestone are a unique find, even for Turkey's standards! Pamukkale Hot Springs Website
Nemrut Dagi: Located in eastern Turkey on Mount Nemrut, MASSIVE statues erected around a first century BCE royal tomb. I wonder if they had any influence from the Egyptians?Or vice versa? Nemrut Dagi Official Site
Bodrum: Originally named Halicarnassus, the sight of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. After a devastating earthquake tore down the monument, the pieces were have said to been used in building the Castle of Saint Peter that now stands there today. One man's trash is another man's treasure...
Ankara: Any country's capital city is a definite hot-spot to visit. Local artisans and civilians are always buzzing around this historic country's mega-modern capital.
Roman Baths: Located in Ankara, the remains of Roman-influenced bath houses, constructed between 212 and 217 A.D., are a truly historical find. Today, among hundreds of columns, the remains and design of the ancient baths are still visible after their destruction in a fire in the 10th century.
Grand Bazaar: Located in Istanbul, this massive bazaar is one of the largest and oldest covered market places in the world. 250,000 to 400,00 visitors daily can window shop more than 58 covered streets and over 1,200 total shops each day. Shopping spree!!
Coastlines: Here is where you find the best of the best, top-notch beaches in all of Eurasia: the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea coastlines. Turkey's 8,000+ KM of coastline and over 300 "blue flag" beaches allow for more than enough room for Turkey's many tourists yearly. The sandy white beaches and turquoise crystal clear waters call for a definite fun-in-the-sun day for everyone! Show off your new swim suit from the Grand Bazaar here at one of Turkey's many pristine beaches Turkey Tourism
As you can see, there is no shortage of fun in Turkey! Whether you are charting out to see ancient ruins, partake in modern-day adventures, or just head to one of the hundreds of beaches here in Turkey, this versatile country has something for everyone. I know for sure that after all the research i have done for these past few blog posts, i have gotten extremely excited to hopefully, one day, actually visit Turkey and all the wonderful historical and cultural wonders it has to offer!
As for now, it is our time to sadly depart this hidden Arab oasis and venture off elsewhere in this vast world of ours, discovering new places and cultures. So in the native tongue of the Turks, elevda! (goodbye!)
Inside the Holy Wisdom
As we embark on our riveting adventures in Turkey, our first stop will be the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul!

The Hagia Sophia -or "Holy Wisdom"- was and still is Istanbul's most prized architectural achievement. From the date of its dedication in 360 until 1453, it served as the cathedral of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was the cathedral of the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1934, when it was secularized. The Hagia Sophia has stood as a museum now for the past 75 years. Because of it's influence over so many religions, the interior of the masque/church/museum/cathedral/tourist attraction has a wide range of variance in design and structure.

But, because of its main Christian and Islamic influence, most detail and care was given to the east side of the monument due to the religious practices of both religions; Churches are usually oriented eastward, while Muslims pray east (from Istanbul) to Mecca.

Originally the Hagia Sophia was one, individual church built by Constantine the Great in the 4th century, that slowly grew in to the tri-church structure that it is today after years of constant restoration. After being the Holy Church for Orthodox Christians, it was converted into a Mosque by Mehmet the Conquer in 1453 when the Ottoman Empire took over Turkish lands in the region.

Because of its initial Christian influence when original building was underway, the Hagia Sophia has a very Basilica-type floor plan consisting of rectangular marble. The 230 foot wide by 246 foot tall structure supports a massively gi-normous dome that extends 102 feet across.

If viewed from the outside, the Hagia Sophia has a lining of cannonballs that lay along the outside of a courtyard that was actually used by Mehmet in 1435 when he conquered the city. Also, the mosaic depiction of Virgin and Child above the main entrance of the building is the oldest surviving mosaic in the entire architectural phenomenon.
The Hagia Sophia -or "Holy Wisdom"- was and still is Istanbul's most prized architectural achievement. From the date of its dedication in 360 until 1453, it served as the cathedral of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was the cathedral of the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1934, when it was secularized. The Hagia Sophia has stood as a museum now for the past 75 years. Because of it's influence over so many religions, the interior of the masque/church/museum/cathedral/tourist attraction has a wide range of variance in design and structure.
But, because of its main Christian and Islamic influence, most detail and care was given to the east side of the monument due to the religious practices of both religions; Churches are usually oriented eastward, while Muslims pray east (from Istanbul) to Mecca.
Originally the Hagia Sophia was one, individual church built by Constantine the Great in the 4th century, that slowly grew in to the tri-church structure that it is today after years of constant restoration. After being the Holy Church for Orthodox Christians, it was converted into a Mosque by Mehmet the Conquer in 1453 when the Ottoman Empire took over Turkish lands in the region.
Because of its initial Christian influence when original building was underway, the Hagia Sophia has a very Basilica-type floor plan consisting of rectangular marble. The 230 foot wide by 246 foot tall structure supports a massively gi-normous dome that extends 102 feet across.
If viewed from the outside, the Hagia Sophia has a lining of cannonballs that lay along the outside of a courtyard that was actually used by Mehmet in 1435 when he conquered the city. Also, the mosaic depiction of Virgin and Child above the main entrance of the building is the oldest surviving mosaic in the entire architectural phenomenon.
When I use the term "awesome" I wish to portray it in the most concrete from possible: the Hagia Sophia is AWESOME. Period. The fact that it is has still been standing since the 4th century is just completely mind-boggling. Yet, when you walk into this massive historical structure, you get a feeling of seclusion, primarily from the monstrous dome up above. You also experience a feel of seclusion in the terms of religious sanction. Just imagining how many millions of people turned to this gorgeous Cathedral to seek salvation, or to this versatile Mosque to pray daily to Allah makes you feel so small, yet sheltered, as if you were one and the same in the modern-day museum.
The Hagia Sophia's similarity to other world-famous monuments also strikes my curiosity. The massive Saint Peter's Basilica in Italy and the glorious Taj Mahal in India look like they could be the Hagia's monument cousins. Was there a religious significance in the dome shape? Or was it just a symbol of power and intellectualism if one could successfully put half a circle on top of a rectangle and make it last for thousands or hundreds of years? Good questions to ponder as one wanders the massive halls of the Christian and Muslim clash know to the world as the Hagia Sophia.
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